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Limestone is is a chemically altered sedimentary rock, mostly consisting of calcium carbonate in various forms. The hardness of calcite, a common ingredient, is about 3 on the Mohs scale. A conglomerate often consists of mechanically altered sedimentary rock that has been ground into relatively small pieces while being transported and deposited as sediment by glaciers. Its Mohs hardness varies, depending on the composition of the rock which is mostly a mixture of silicates, calcite, and iron compounds.

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Q: Is limestone and conglomerate the same and the mohs scale number?
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Related questions

What is the mohs hardness of scale of limestone?

The hardness is 3-4 on Mohs scale.

Is limestone softer than basalt?

Yes, lime stone is 3 - 4 on the Mohs scale, Bassalt is 7 on the Mohs scale.

Where is Conglomerate on the Mohs Scale?

It's not. A conglomerate is, per its name, a conglomeration of various rock types cemented together by a matrix material usually from sedimentation. Therefore, each rock constituent will have its own specific hardness in relation to the mohs scale.

What is topaz's number on the mohs scale?

Topaz is number 8 on the Mohs scale.

What is the hardness of dolomite on the MOHS hardness scale?

Dolomite has a hardness of 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale.

What mineral has the highest number on the mohs scale?

Diamond, with a hardness of 10 on the Mohs scale.

What is the scale for the Mohs hardness scale?

Granite is not assigned a number on the Mohs scale of hardness. The Mohs scale is a measurement of the relative hardness of minerals. Because granite is a rock composed of a variety of minerals, only the individual minerals which compose it have a Mohs hardness.

What do the numbers represent on mohs hardness scale?

The Mohs Hardness Scale is numbered form one to ten, one being the softest minerals (talc) and ten being the hardest (diamond).

What is the density of conglomerate?

The hardness of conglomerate varies from soft to hard. It really depends on the strength and composition of the conglomerate in question. It is often used as a filler in construction, including road construction.

How hard is sulfur on mohs scale?

Iodine is not recognized as a mineral, and therefore is not assigned a number on the Mohs Scale of mineral hardness.

What scale is used to find a mineral's hardness?

The scale used to find a mineral's hardness is called the Mohs scale. It ranges from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest), with each mineral tested against known reference minerals to determine where it falls on the scale based on its ability to scratch or be scratched by the reference minerals.

What is science application?

a mineral that has a low number on the mohs scale