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They are not exactly same, but they are SIMILAR since they are both used for laundry stuff.

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Q: Is liquid starch and laundry detergent similer?
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What can be used as a substitute for borax in flubber?

liquid starch laundry detergent !

How do you make slime without laundry detergent?

Just add corn starch!

Can you actually eat laundry starch?

Certainly you can eat laundry starch if you want to, but it is not recommended.

What similer food nutrient like starch stored in animal tissue?

Glycogen .

What is laundry starch?

Laundry starch is a mixture of vegetable starch and water that gives clothes a crisper appearance. It can be sprayed directly on clothes or added to a wash cycle.

Argo lundry starch is it the same as cornstarch?

no no no no no you can eat corn starch you cannot eat laundry starch

Is liquid starch the same as tide?

no...liquid starch is starch in liquid form. tide is used to wash clothes.

How do you starch a doily?

Check the laundry aisle at your grocery store for liquid starch. Starch comes in different forms including a spray form, but the liquid is easiest to use. For a very stiff doily, soak it in undiluted liquid starch. For less crisp, water down the starch first. When the starch has soaked through the doily, carefully lay it out on a flat surface and tweak it until it looks nice. Then allow to dry in place. You can get prettier picots if you use a piece of Styrofoam as your backing and use sewing pins to pin it in place.

Is laundry starch the same as laundry starch solution?

Well solutions is made by a solvent AND solute. While starch is just dry. So, I would say that they are, It's just that starch solution had more "ingredients" per say. (:

Where can you find liquid starch?

sometimes people cannot eat startch so i'd advise not to use it in your laundry!dont try and be funny about this some people are highly allergic2107 park lyf.

What is difference between wet corn starch and dry corn starch?

Corn starch can be used in food, like to thicken gravy. Laundry starch has chemicals added.

Where can buy argo laundry starch?

kidron town and country store