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Q: Is macConkey agar defined or undefined?
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Macconkey agar is a selective medium and it is also a defined or a undefined medium so why is that a formulation desirable?

This type of agar is designed to grow gram-negative bacteria. It will not grow gram-positive bacteria due to a dye in the formula of the agar.

Will Alcaligenes faecalis grow on MacConkey agar?

No, Alcaligenes faecalis will not grow on MacConkey agar. MacConkey agar is selective for gram-negative bacteria that ferment lactose. Alcaligenes faecalis is a gram-negative bacteria that does not ferment lactose, so it will not grow on MacConkey agar.

How do you grow Klebsiella pneumoniae?

MacConkey agar

What is the name of the acide base color indicator found in MacConkey agar?

Lac+ bacteria is acid base color indicator that lowers the pH of the MacConkey agar. The MacConkey agar contains neutral red dye, lactose, peptone, and crystal violet dye.

Is EMB agar a defined or undefined medium?

EMB agar is a complex undefined medium because it contains multiple components such as peptone, lactose, agar, and eosin Y and methylene blue dyes that promote the growth of a wide variety of bacteria while inhibiting the growth of certain Gram-positive bacteria.

Does enterococcus faecalis grow on macConkey agar?

Enterococcus faecalis typically does not grow on MacConkey agar as this selective and differential medium is primarily used for isolating and differentiating members of the Enterobacteriaceae family, which are mostly gram-negative bacteria. Enterococcus species are gram-positive bacteria and do not ferment lactose, the key ingredient in MacConkey agar that allows for differentiation.

Why MacConkey agar is solid at room temperature while MacConkey broth remains Liquid at room Temperature?

MacConkey agar contains agar as a solidifying agent which solidifies at room temperature to provide a solid surface for bacterial growth and colony isolation. MacConkey broth, on the other hand, does not contain agar and remains liquid at room temperature to allow for easier culture of bacteria in liquid medium for metabolic studies or growth analyses.

Does micrococcus luteus grow on macconkey agar?

MacConkey agar is designed to grow Gram-negative bacteria and also contains crystal violet dye which inhibits the growth of Gram-positive bacteria. Since S. aureus is Gram-positive it should not grow on MacConkey agar. No. MacConkey agar inhibits MOST of the Gram-positive bacteria. There are some Gram-positive bacteria that can tolerate bile-salt are able to grow in MacConkey agar. Enterococcus and some species of Staphylococcus are able to grow in MacConkey. (lack citation though)

What is the culture characteristic of Ecoli thst grow on macconkey agar?

E. coli that grow on MacConkey agar typically exhibit lactose fermentation, causing them to produce pink or red colonies. These colonies may also appear mucoid due to the production of a polysaccharide capsule. Additionally, E. coli on MacConkey agar will typically not grow well under acidic conditions, as the agar contains crystal violet which inhibits the growth of Gram-positive bacteria.

Role of bile salt in macconkey agar?

Bile salts in MacConkey agar inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria by disrupting their cell membranes. This selective property allows for the preferential growth of Gram-negative bacteria on MacConkey agar, making it a useful medium for the isolation and differentiation of enteric bacteria.

What conclusion may be drawn if no growth appeared on MacConkey agar and EMB agar after inoculation of the media and an incubation period?

The conclusion drawn if no growth appeared on MacConkey agar and EMB agar after inoculation of the media and an incubation period could be the bacteria used was possibly a Gram positive non-enteric sample.

Crystal violet in the MacConkey agar?

MacConkey's agar refers to a culture medium that is designed to selectively grow Gram-negative bacteria. It contains crystal violet dye, which inhibits certain Gram-positive bacteria.