

Is many an adverb

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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The word many is an adjective (many, more, most), an indefinite pronoun (a pronoun that does not refer to a specific person, thing or amount), and a noun. Example uses:

Adjective: Many people like that program.

Pronoun: Many do like that program.

Noun: A program for the many but not for me.

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Q: Is many an adverb
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Is the word many a adverb?

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There is none, as you can't "do many". (I think)

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The adverb in the sentence is "there," which modifies the verb "printed."

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The word " Many" is an adjective not an adverb. An adverb describes " how, when...etc. " An adjective describes a noun " person, place or thing " did this help??

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adjective = raw adverb = often

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Silently is an adverb. Many adverbs end in the prefix -LY.

Is many an adverb or a noun or neither?

The word "many" is an adjective. It is confusing i know.