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no marijuana is good for you

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Q: Is marijuana harmful to the body?
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Related questions

Is it harmful to eat marijuana brownies?

Of course it is! It has the same effects as if you were smoking marijuana; you are harming your body (mostly mentally).

How is marijuana harmful to the female body?

It's not. Marijuana has never harmed anyone. Do some research and you'll learn the truth.

Is smoking marijuana harmful during pregnancy?

Smoke of any kind can be harmful. Vaporizing marijuana as opposed to smoking a Marijuana Cigarette (joint, blunt, etc..) has been shown to be less harmful as the plant matter is not actually burned.

Which is worse alcohol or marijuana?

alcohol tends to have a higher addiction rate and can be more harmful to the body

How can Marijuana be harmful?

It can't.

How do you open a medical marijuana club?

Marijuana is a harmful drug. Avoid it.

What harmful substances are in marijuana?


Is marijuana harmful when not abused?

Marijuana is not harmful when abused so I think you know your questions answer *Smoking anything is harmful, abusing marijuana can progress to mild forms of psychosis if you have prior mental disorders. but beside that no unless your under 15.

What is the least damaging smoke to breathe in and I know all smoke is harmful but which is the least harmful?

You are correct all smoke is harmful, but between these too, cigarettes and marijuana. Marijuana is least harmful.I hope this has helped you.

Is K more harmful than marijuana?

yes it is

Is lighting weed with a birthday candle harmful when inhaling?

Marijuana is harmful when inhaled. No matter what you are lighting it with.

Why are people afraid of durgs?

Cause there are some drugs that can be harmful to the human body. These drugs are in the "Hardcore" category such as meth, crack, LSD, and cocaine. Other drugs such as marijuana people are only afraid cause society tells them to be. Honestly marijuana has no negative affect on the human body or brain.