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yes, meiosis occurs in sex cells while mitosis occurs in all other cells.

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Q: Is meiosis occurs in sex cells?
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Meiosis occurs in what cells?

Meiosis only occurs in Sex Cells found in men's testis and women's ovaries.

What type of cell undergose meiosis?

Meiosis only occurs in sex cells, which are the sperm and egg cells. Mitosis occurs in the somatic, or body, cells.

Is it true that meiosis occurs in body cells?

Yes, this is how sex cells are made.

What occurs in plants and animal mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis. Meiosis is only concerned in sex cells.

What are four ways in which meiosis different from mitosis?

Meiosis differs from mitosis in the following ways; meiosis produces four cells while mitosis two produces cells. Meiosis occurs in sex cells while mitosis occurs body cells.

What parts of your body does meiosis occur?

it occurs in the gametes, the sex cells. where mitosis occurs in all other cells that have two halves of chromosomes, meiosis occurs in cells which only have one half of the chromosomes.

Where does meiosis occur in humans?

In human males, meiosis occurs in the sperm sex cells. This usually occurs in the testes of the human male.

When does your body undergo meiosis?

Only sex cells such as sperm and eggs undergo meiosis. This occurs at puberty.

Occurs in both plants and animals mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis. Meiosis is only concerned in sex cells.

What process occurs in the formation of sex cells of both male and female?


What happens in miosis?

A cell divide into four sex cells with half of the chromosomes. Meiosis only occurs in the genital with sex cells.

What process occurs in the formation of sex cells?

Meiosis is required for sex cells to go from two sets of chromosomes (diploid) to having only one set (haploid).