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Q: Is melting butter in a frying pan change or physical change?
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Is frying a fish chemical or physical change?

Frying is a chemical process.

Why would frying an egg be a physical change instead of a chemical change?

Frying an egg is a chemical change.

Is frying a fish a physical change?

Pan frying, no. It is a chemical change. Which is why it smokes and changes colors.

Is frying egg physical or chemical change?

both Frying eggs is a chemical process.

Can you show you more examples of physical and chemical change?

Physical changes: melting, boiling, cutting, griding, condensation, rolling, etc.Chemical changes: burning, cooking, frying, bleaching, thermally decomposition, fermentation, etc.

Is frying an egg an chemical or physical change?


Is a frying a egg physical or chemical?

chemical change.

Heating a frying pan is chemical or physical change?

Heating a frying pan is a physical change. A chemical change is when you change the chemical properties. Heating the pan is only changing the temperature of the pan not the chemical make up.

Is frying an egg a physical property or a chemical property?

chemical change

Is frying a burger a chemical change?

Correction to previous unknown writers answer:Frying fish is a chemical change, not a physical change in chemistry....The chemical makeup of the (fish) is changed forever after frying.

Is frying a egg a physical change?

No it is chemical change because it is combined in one substance

Frying an egg physical or chemical?

It is a chemical change because it is irreversible and the change happens on a molecular level.