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The date will change at midnight, so midnight is the start of a new day.

But this is debatable and ambiguous - when people refer to midnight, they could very mean the end of the day - 24:00 rather than 00:00

"The party starts tomorrow at midnight" could very likely be meant and understood as (it starts tomorrow in the late evening, just after 23:59, or just after 11:59pm)

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Q: Is midnight the beginning or end of a day?
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Is midnight associated with the day before or the day after the designation?

Midnight is generally associated with the beginning of the day that follows it. For example, if it is currently midnight, it is considered the beginning of the new day, not the end of the previous day.

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When a contract expires at midnight, it means the end of the last day of the contract.

When does one day end?

At midnight.

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Midnight December 1 defined as the end of December 1.

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April Fool's is a day. It ends at midnight.

If one were to say Christmas midnight would that be the beginning of Christmas day or the end?

Well, 12:00 is AM so it would be the end. Technically, there is no 12:00 AM. The clock begins at 0:00 AM and ends at 23:59:59.99 (PM). Christmas Midnight would therefore be the start of Christmas Day, just as midnight New Years represents the start of the new year.

Does at midnight mean midnight exactly?

Usually. Midnight is exactly 12:00 AM every day, at the end of the previous day. It is only 60 seconds a day, and is considered the first minute of the following morning.The time "midnight" can refer to the exact minute following 11:59 PM, or it can refer to any time period beginning at or around the two hours between 11 PM and 1 AM.

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At the single instant in time when the calendar date is the same everywhere on earth, the time on the International Date Line is 12:00 midnight, and it's the beginning of that day on the east side of the line, and the end of the same day on the west side.

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You bleed at the beginning, not the end of your cycle. Day one of the menstrual cycle is the first day of your period.

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It is midnight first at locations on the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean, where the new day officially begins. For example, countries like Samoa and Tonga are among the first places to experience midnight.

What is 4 am?

The time 4 AM is 4 hours into the beginning of a new day, i.e. 4 hours after midnight.

Can midnight be written as 2400?

It can be, but it is normally done to specifically indicate the end of a day.