

Is milk of magnesia acidic

Updated: 10/26/2022
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13y ago

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No it's alkali. This is because magnesium is an alkaline metal.

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13y ago

No its an alkali meaning its 8 or over on the pH scale.

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Q: Is milk of magnesia acidic
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Milk of magnesia is basic (alkaline), not acidic.

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Neither is acidic, both are basic. But milk of magnesia is less basic and therefore more acidic.

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The bee-sting is acidic. Milk of magnesia is alkaline - the two cancel each other out... reducing pain.

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Yes-- Milk of Magnesia is a 10.5 on the pH scale, thus making it a base. (pH of 7 is neutral-- higher is more basic, lower is more acidic)

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Milk of magnesia is a basic solution. Therefore, methyl orange shows a yellowish orange colour. Further, this indicator shows a red colour in acidic solutions.

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Magnesia milk is a suspension.

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Sodium hypochlorite is not in milk of magnesia. Milk of magnesia is magnesium hydroxide and water.

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Coffee is acidic. Milk of magnesia is basic. A neutral pH is 7. pH is logarithmic, so a pH of 5 is 10 times more acid than a pH of 6. since coffee is 2 less than 7 and milk of magnesia is 3 more than 7 it takes 1 part milk of magnesia to 10 parts coffee to neutralize each other.

How does milk of magnesia help in gastritis?

Milk of magnesia helps stomach problems, by coating sensitive areas, that are affected by digestive fluids, mainly acids, which are also neutralized by the remedy.

Why do you take Milk of Magnesia for indigestion?

Milk of magnesia, Mg(OH)2 is used to cure indigestion because it is basic and indigestion is acidic.