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No, molten iron is a pure substance because it is composed of only one type of element, which is iron. Unlike mixtures which contain two or more different substances mixed together, molten iron has a uniform composition.

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Q: Is molten iron a heterogeneous mixture?
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Is iron a heterogeneous mixture?

No, iron is a pure substance because it is composed of only one type of atom. It is not a mixture because it does not contain multiple substances that are physically combined.

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A mixture of iron filings and sulfur is heterogeneous because the iron and sulfur particles do not combine to form a uniform composition. They retain their individual properties and can be visually distinguished from each other.

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Iron ore is a heterogeneous mixture.

Is partially molten iron a pure substance or a mixture?

Partially molten iron is considered a mixture because it consists of a combination of liquid iron and solid iron phases. This mixture contains variable compositions of iron and other elements, depending on the conditions of the material.

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No, the mixture of powdered sulfur and iron filling are not a homogenous mixture, they are a heterogenous mixture.

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No, rust is not a homogeneous mixture. Rust is a chemical compound that forms when iron reacts with oxygen in the presence of water or moisture. It is a solid metal oxide compound, not a homogeneous mixture of different substances.

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Salt is a chemical compound known as sodium chloride, which is formed by the combination of sodium and chloride ions. It is not a mixture but rather a pure substance with a fixed chemical composition.

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Granite is a heterogeneous mixture because it is made up of different minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica that are unevenly distributed throughout the rock.

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No it is not homogeneous. It is heterogeneous.Use a magnet to pull the iron out of the sand.See the Related Questions to the left for more information about homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

Is a flower homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

A flower is a heterogeneous mixture.