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Most of the oxygen is in the troposphere. Stratosphere contains ozone. It is the converted oxygen.

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11y ago

About half of Earth's air is in the troposphere, although it occupies only a fraction of the volume of the upper layers.

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12y ago

The earth's atmosphere is approximatively 21% oxygen (really about 20.95%). 78% is nitrogen. The rest is a small mixture of other gases.

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13y ago

On the contrary, most of the Earth's atmosphere is made up of nitrogen. Oxygen accounts for only 20%.

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11y ago

The Troposhere is the layer of the atmosphere that contains the most oxygen. The whole atmosphere contains 21% of oxygen. Thus 15% of that is in the Troposphere

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11y ago

Oxygen makes up all of the oxygen in the atmosphere.

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10y ago

The stratosphere holds the most of ozone layer. It protects us from the Uv rays of the sun.

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15y ago

It is the troposphere.

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Q: Is most of earth' s atmosphere oxygen?
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Answer this question… Earth's atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide with very small percentages of other elements. Our atmosphere also contains water vapor. In addition, Earth's atmosphere contains traces of dust particles, pollen, plant grains and other solid particles.

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The Earthâ??s gases are composed of: Oxygen -21%, Nitrogen-78%, Argon-0.93% and Carbon Dioxide-0.038%. Earth is the only planet that has an atmosphere that can sustain life.

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The layer of earth's atmosphere that protects against these dangerous UV rays is ozone. It is in atmosphere.

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Atmospheric oxygen is a result of photosynthesis by plants (including cyanobacteria - blue -green algae - which was responsible for the initial conversion of earth 's atmosphere from its anoxic state) . Photosynthesis is carried out in plants. It employs energy from the sun and naturally occurring water and carbon dioxide to produce sugar and oxygen gas. The oxygen is released to the atmosphere, and the sugar is formed into plant matter, which it eventually and is buried and turned into coal, oil and gas.