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Saliva begins the chemical digestion of starch. It also is important for the success of mechanical digestion of the mouth, but does not, in its own, perform mechanical digestion.

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Q: Is mouth mechanical or chemical digestion?
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What two organs use both mechanical and chemical digestion?

Both the mouth and the stomach perform mechanical and chemical digestion.

Why is mechanical digestion important for chemical. Digestion?

Mechanical digestion chops the food in to smaller pieces, thus exposing more of it to the enzymes of the chemical digestion.Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth by the teeth, tongue and saliva. Mechanical digestion is important for chemical digestion because when food is broken down into smaller particles by mechanical means, chemical digestion will be more efficient.

Chemical and mechanical digestion of food occur int he stomach?

no in the mouth

Is mechanical digestion takes place in the mouth?

Yes. Mechanical digestion in the mouth is when you are chewing. There is also chemical digestion which is the enzymes in saliva that start to break up starches into simple sugars in saliva.

What 2 types of digestion takes place in the mouth?

Mechanical and chemical digestion. In mechanical digestion the teeth breakdown food into smaller pieces and in chemical digestion the salivary glands breaks down the food molecules.

What two simple machines are found in your mouth?

Scientifically, there are no literal "machines," in your mouth. There is mechanical and chemical digestion that occurs in your mouth. The enzymes are chemical. The mechanical are your teeth. Hope this helps.

Where does mechanical digestion and chemical digestion occur along the digestive tract?

Mechanical Digestion happens in the mouth where your food is physically broken down. Chemical digestion happens in your intestines, where enzymes break down and absorb nutirients

Which type of digestion occurs in the mouth when an individual chews a piece of bread?

The type of digestion that chewing is referred to as is mechanical digestion.

Where does digestion in your body began?

Digestion begins in the mouth right after ingestion. There is mechanical and chemical digestion. Your teeth breaks up the food into smaller pieces (mechanical digestion) and your saliva contains salivary amylase which digests starch into maltose (chemical digestion).

What type of digestion is produced by breaking down and chewing food?

Chemical digestion

What are the types of digestion?

Chemical digestion and mechanical digestion

How does the esophagus perform mechanical digestion?

Peristalsis. The movement of muscles bringing the food to the stomach.