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it would be were it not for the fact that it is unethical to use it (not that that gets in many people's way).

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Q: Is nazi medical experiment data useful?
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Who was the leader of the Auschwitz medical experiments?

The Doctor in Chief of ALL Nazi medical experiments was Dr. Eduard Wirths, who directed most of the experiment done to the prisoners in the concentrations camps during the nazi regime. the most infamous doctor at Auschwitz was Dr. Josef Mengele

What horrible medical experiment made by nazi doctors?

Gas chambers, Testing drugs, Freezing them, Inject chemicals into eyes to change eye colour and varies brutal surgeries

Who was a nazi doctor who performed medical experiments on prisinors?

Josef Mengele

Who was the Nazi doctor in charge of medical experiments that were often bizarre and sadistic?

Josef Mengele

How did the Nazis get away with medical experiments?

When the entire country is under Nazi rule, it is very easy. Outside countries had to intervene to stop the experiments and the Nazi party.

What is a balanced view of life in Nazi Germany?

Well im not sure but i bet it would be really useful to find out!

How do you mod Nazi zombies?

you can mod nazi zombies with a USB or TRANSFER CABLE, and you need to download modio you mod it using your saved game data if you want more help visit youtube a search how to mod cod 5 nazi zombies.

Who was Dr. menegelle?

A senior Nazi who conducted medical experiments on many unfortunate people in the concentration camps.

Who is nicknamed The Nazi on the medical drama Grey's Anatomy?

Dr. Miranda Bailey of course! The interns resident

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The Nazi government had dehumanized the Jews by constantly portraying them as subhuman animals. (Apex)

Types of experiments?

Gassing, Leathal needle injections and any other medical experiments the nazi doctors could think of

Who was the man who did the selection at Auschwitz?

It was usually a Nazi Medical Officer that made the selections and the most infamous of these was Dr. Joseph Mengele.