

Is nitrogen a molecule or a element?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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11y ago

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At standard temperature, nitrogen is both an element and a molecule. It is an element because it has the same number of protons in the nuclei of all its atoms, and it is a molecule because it contains two separate atoms that are covalently bonded to one another and is electrically neutral

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Q: Is nitrogen a molecule or a element?
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Is nitrogen a compound or molecule?

Nitrogen is an element that is usually found alone as the N2 molecule. It is not a compound.

Is nitrogen an element or molecule?

Nitrogen is both an element and a molecule. In molecular form, Nitrogen forms a binary molecule N2 with a triple bond between the two Nitrogen atoms.

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Nitrogen is an element, and two nitrogen atoms make up a nitrogen molecule.

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"element" (2 make up a molecule)

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Nitrogen is an element. It is usually found as the molecule N2 not N. Therefore there are two atoms of nitrogen in this molecule.

Is nitrogen a compound or atom?

an atomAnswer:In the atmosphere nitrogen is present as a diatomic molecule. Two atoms of nirogen (the element) are always joined together into one molecule.

Is N an element or a compound?

Nitrogen naturally occurs as a diatomic molecule (N2). Nitrogen, by itself, is an element.

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There's only one element, and that's nitrogen. There are two atoms of nitrogen in a nitrogen molecule.

Is nitrogen an element or a compound or a mixture?

Nitrogen is an element . Nitrogen gas, however, is often called nitrogen and is a molecule consisting of two nitrogen atoms bound together. Thus it may be considered to be a compound.

What are the two elements in nitrogen?

There's only one element, and that's nitrogen. There are two atoms of nitrogen in a nitrogen molecule.

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