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Oh yes, observation is very important. All of scientific research rests upon two things: observation, and logical analysis. Without observation there is no science.

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Q: Is observation important when studying physical science?
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There are a few ideas of the physical science. The main idea of physical science is studying of matter and energy is physical science. Matter is something that takes up space with mass.

Why is observation important?

Observation is important in science because it allows for recordings during an experiment. It also is used as support for hypotheses.

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Magnification is important in science because it allows for the direct observation of processes that are invisible to the naked eye.

How does a zoologist use science?

By studying (observation), forming hypotheses, validating, making models, using the models to explain the facts.

Why is observation such an important quality in forensic science?

it is a huge part of forensic science . with out observation, criminals would get away with murder or any othar illigal conduct

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It is knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation or experimentation