

Is obsidian rapidly cooling

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Yes that is why it makes that glassy look to it.

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Q: Is obsidian rapidly cooling
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Do obsidian rocks cool fast?

Yes, obsidian rocks cool very fast. This volcanic glass forms when lava cools rapidly, preventing the growth of mineral crystals and resulting in a smooth, glassy texture.

Is pumice and obsidian forms of volcanic gas?

Partially correct. Pumice forms from rapidly cooling lava containing volatiles (water and gas) and obsidian forms from rapidly cooling lava that doesn't contain volatiles. Bubbles from volatiles are frozen in place and cannot escape before the lava hardens forming pumice. Obsidian and pumice are sometimes found together although obsidian itself is relatively rare.

What family is obsidian in?

Obsidian is a volcanic glass that is part of the silicate mineral family. It is primarily composed of silica dioxide and is formed from rapidly cooling lava.

Why does obsidian have a glassy texture?

Obsidian has a glassy texture because it forms from rapidly cooling lava without much time for crystal growth. This quick cooling process prevents the formation of crystals, resulting in a smooth and reflective surface similar to glass.

What type of rock had no visible crystals as result of rapid cooling?

Obsidian is an example of a rapidly cooled rock, also known as volcanic glass.

Smooth glassy rock that is formed when lava cools?


Is obsidian rock metamorphic rock sedimentary or igneous?

Obsidian is an extrusive igneous rock, formed from rapidly cooling lava.

How fast does the lava cool when it is forming an obsidian rock?

Obsidian is formed and cooled so rapidly from lava that it is a glass, not crystalline in structure. The cooling is obviously very rapid and solidification could probably measured in minutes.

Smooth glassy rock?

A smooth glassy rock may be an obsidian, which forms from rapidly cooling lava. Obsidian has a shiny, smooth texture and can be black, dark green, or brown in color. It is commonly used for ornamental purposes and in making tools due to its sharp edges when fractured.