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Q: Is ocean waves electromagnetic radiation
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The Sun transfers most of its heat by means of?

Convection and radiation (internally) and radiation (externally).

How are electromagnetic waves transfered?

Electromagnetic waves are transferred by electromagnetic radiation.

What are some examples of radiation giving off electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves ARE radiation.

The transfer of energy as waves moving through space is called?


How are waves transferred?

Electromagnetic waves are transferred by electromagnetic radiation.

What is transferred by electromagnet waves?

Electromagnetic radiation is transferred by electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic radiation is a fundamental phenomenon of electromagnetism.

What is the transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves?

first of all electromagnetic waves are energy waves. and we call electromagnetic waves RADIATION.

Wave that can travel through an empty space?

what is a form of energy that travels as waves through the air and some solids and liquids call?

The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves?

The waves that are the most infictint are the seismic waves

What is the second name of electromagnetic radiation?

electromagnetic waves

Energy that is transferred by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic what?

Energy transferred by electromagnetic waves is called radiation.

What is the radiation in radio waves?

the radiation of the radio wave is electromagnetic radiation