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Q: Is one direction a girl band?
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Related questions

Is one direction a girl band or a boy band?

one direction is a boy band

Does one direction needs a girl on the band?

No they do not, Sorry :)

Why does one direction don't have a girl singer?

Because the X-Factor choose to have One Girl Band and One Boy Band

Would one Direction add a girl to their band?

doubt it.

Which one direction band member is related to a spice girl?

None of them are

Which band member from one direction likes a girl with glasses?

Louis Tomlinson

Will any of the one direction band members date a girl who is five years younger than them?


How do you ask questions to one direction for their video diary?

if one of you guys was a girl would you still let her in the band

Who is the leader in the band One Direction?

Theres no leader in the band One Direction. :l

Is anyone from One Direction quitting the band?

As of November 2013, no one from One Direction is quitting the band.

Who is promoting the One Direction tour?

No one know's yet. But one of them is this 'Oh Oh' unknown unpopular girl band who wants to get famous.

How much for rent one direction for a concert-?

There is not a way to rent the band One Direction for a concert. You can get tickets and go see the band One Direction.