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It can be, but rarely (e.g. owned properties rather than leased properties).

Owned is the past tense and past participle of the verb to own, and is almost always a verb.

A popular compound adjective is pre-owned (used).

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14y ago

It can be, when it means something belonging to an individual, e.g. "his own car".

The verb forms of to own are not adjectives, e.g. "I own a car".

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Q: Is own an adjective
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No, own is a verb, and adjective as used in different cases. For example, one can say "I own a car." which is a verb. But, used as "He has his own book." it's an adjective.The noun forms for the verb to own are owner and the gerund, owning.The noun form for the adjective own is ownership.

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The word 'own' is a verb, an adjective, and a pronoun.The noun forms for the verb to own are owner, ownership, and the gerund, owning.

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