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Q: Is parry the platapus a dog or platapus?
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Continue Learning about General Arts & Entertainment

How tall is Geoff Parry?

Callum Parry is 6' 3".

When was Glyn Parry born?

Glyn Parry was born in 1953.

When was Alan Parry born?

Alan Parry was born in 1947.

When did Gwenlyn Parry die?

Gwenlyn Parry died in 1991.

When was Geoff Parry born?

Geoff Parry was born in 1953.

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a platapus

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How much does a platapus weight?


Where do platapos come from?

platapus. Australia

How do you spell platapus?

It is spelt platypus.

Quebec national animal?

perry the platapus

What picture is it on twenty cent coin?


What has feet of a duck but is furry?

duckling and platapus

What is the color of a platapus?

brow and a little bit of pink

What has the author Ann Parry written?

Ann Parry has written: 'Parry of the Arctic'