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Bacteria can be pathogens, but there are also many other types of pathogens. Bacteria are specific types of single celled organisms. Some bacteria cause disease, some do not. There are also lots of other types of organisms which can cause disease. These include, viruses, fungi, protozoa, yeast. Any organism that can cause disease is called a pathogen. (And yes, there is some debate about whether a virus is an organism. If it is not an organism then it would be classified as a toxin rather than a pathogen.)

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14y ago

A pathogen is any disease causing organism. There are many species of bacteria. Some cause diseases and some don't. The ones that cause diseases are pathogens and the ones that don't cause diseases are not pathogens.

Of course a particular species of bacterium might cause a disease in dogs, for example, but not in humans (and vice versa) so it would be considered a pathogen in dogs but not humans.

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13y ago

Not necessarily. While many bacteria are pathogens great number have little effect on humans and other organisms. Some bacteria are beneficial, even essential, to our health.

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What does the word pathogenic mean?

Pathogenic refers to something, typically a microorganism like a virus or bacteria, that is capable of causing disease or infection in a host.

What term is used to describe bacteria that are capable of causing diseases?

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The medical term for disease-causing bacteria is "pathogenic bacteria." These bacteria have the ability to cause infections and illness in the body.

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Pathogenic means "disease causing". Not all bacteria are pathogenic; some are essential for good health.

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The disease causing bacteria are called pathogenic bacteria.They are generally gram negative but can also be gram positivee.g. of pathogenic bacteria are :SalmonelllaPseudomonasClostridiumAnthracis etc.

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This means causing disease. Here are some sentences.That strain of bacteria is pathogenic.The pathogenic substances have been stolen from the lab!Pathogenic bacteria can be deadly.

Bacteria that causes diseases are callled?

The disease causing bacteria are called pathogenic bacteria.They are generally gram negative but can also be gram positivee.g. of pathogenic bacteria are :SalmonelllaPseudomonasClostridiumAnthracis etc.

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Are pathogenic bacteria benificial or harmful to humans?

The word pathogenic means disease causing. So they can be harmful...but some pathogenic bacteria only are harmful to plants or dogs or cats, etc.

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The word pathogen means to be disease causing.

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