

Is pili multigemini bad

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Not at all. Don't worry about a couple of extra hairs on your body!

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Q: Is pili multigemini bad
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Spices e.g: Mdalasini (cinnamon), karafuu (cloves), pili pili manga (black pepper) and pili pili hoho - Swahili for bell pepper/capsicum infact 'hoho' is actually a mijikenda word-... and many other spices. pili pili is Swahili for hot chilli. *The word pili pili is a Swahili variation of the mijikenda/bantu word for chilli (piri piri, pronounced 'pee-ree pee-ree')... hence the portuguese 'peri peri'!

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What is pili pili?

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What is a function of the pili found on the surface of some bacteria?

Pili, or fimbriae, found on the surface of some bacteria help attach the bacteria to surfaces or other cells, aiding in their colonization and biofilm formation. They can also be involved in DNA exchange between bacteria through a process called conjugation.

What is the analogy of Pili?

The analogy of pili is to a hook or grappling hook. Just as pili use their specialized hairs to attach to surfaces, a hook or grappling hook also serves to grab onto objects and provide a strong grip for support or movement.

Is the word pili plural or singular?

A "Pilus" is the Latin for a hair, so following the Latin rules for plurals, the plural is "pili".