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The pisiform bone (also called pisiforme or lentiform bone) is a small knobbly, pea-shaped wrist bone. It forms the ulnar border of the carpal tunnel.

The pisiform bone is found in the proximal row of the carpus. It is located where the ulna (inner bone of the forearm when in anatomical position) joins the carpus (wrist). It articulates only with the triquetral.

It is a sesamoid bone.

The pisiform bone may be known by its small size, and by its presenting a single articular facet. It is situated on a plane anterior to the other carpal bones and is spheroidal in form.

The etymology derives from the Latin pīsum which means "pea".

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What region of the body is the pisiform bone located in?

It is located in the wrist.

What region of the body is the pisiform bone located?

It is located in the wrist.

Is the pisiform a wrist bone?

Yes, the Pisiform is one of the eight carpals that make up the wrist. The carpals are arranged in two rows, the pisiform is located in the row furthest away from the fingers on the little finger side of the wrist.

What is the smallest carpal bone?

The trapezoid is the smallest carpal bone in the distal row. It's also the 2nd most medial.

Which carpal bone can be palpated as a projection distal to the styloid process of the ulna?

The styloid process of the Ulna (one of the bones of the forearm) is where the Ulna connects to the ligament of the wrist joint. The Triquetrum, Lunate and Pisiform carpal bones all lie distal to this. However the carpal bone most easily palpable is the Pisiform bone.

Why remove the pisiform bone?

If a person has ulnar-sided wrist pain that is, the outside, pinky-side, of the wrist)_ one of the possible diagnoses is pisotriquetral arthritis in which the tiny pisiform bone (latin for "pea" and the triquetrum on which it sits or "articulates", as they say, have formed arthritic changes and it can cause quite a bit of discomfort. There joint is rather insignificant, and therefore, removal of the pisiform is a good option with very little risk.

What bone is a carpal bone?

It is classified as a sesamoid bone.

What the scientific name for wrist bone?

There are several bones related to the wrist.Quote from wikipedia: scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate bones. The radiocarpal, distal radioulnar and carpometacarpal joints can also be considered part of the wrist.

Which forearm bone allows us to rotate the wrist?

There are 8 small bones in wrist joint.Proximalrow contains (From lateral to medial side.) ScaphoidLunateTriquartal and Pisiform bones. Except Pisiform other three are attached to lower end of 'Radius' bone. Please note that in 'elbow' joint Ulna bone takes part and in wrist joint charge is handed over to Radius bone. Distal row contains Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate and Ham-mate. So if you ask about the single bone, then the answer is Radius and not Ulna bone. But please remember that 'single' bone can not form a joint. There has to be at-least two bones. Here lower end of Radius comes in contact with three bones. Scaphoid, Lunate and Triquartal bones. Pisiform is a sesmoid bone. On distal side there are carpal-metacarpal joints. There are 5 metacarpals attached to four carpal bones.

What are the bones that are in your wrist and the size of a pea?

The bone in the wrist which is the size of a pea is the Pisiform bone, which is one of the 8 carpal bones that make up the wrist. It is located in the row of carpal bones furthest away from the fingers and is on the little finger side of the hand.

Which type of bone is considered dense bone?

Cancellous bone