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Yes it is an ingredient in decongestents. It is also used to make illegal drugs as it is one for m of 'speed'. Don't take it at night or you'll never get to sleep!

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Q: Is pseudoephedrine a decongestant medication
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Is Benadryl a decongestant?

Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine. It's a decongestant medication when associated to pseudoephedrine. Diphenhydramine continues to be an anti histamine, but when combined to a decongestant, it is more effective to relief cold symptoms.

How do you spell physidofedrien?

The decongestant drug is spelled pseudoephedrine.

Can you take amoxacillin and pseudoephedrine together?

Yes, It is common practice by family physicians to prescribe a combination of Amoxacillin with a decongestant, or a decongestant and broncholytic i.e. Maxifed (Pseudoephedrine/Guafenesin).

Are fexofenadine and pseudoephedrine the same?

No fexofenadine is a H1-receptor antagonist (histamine antagonist) and pseudoephedrine is a sympathomimetic amine commonly used as a decongestant

What antihistamines are used to make methamphetamine?

None. Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) is used. This is a nasal decongestant.

What tablets have pseudoephedrine?

Basically most nasal decongestant. Pseudoephedrine is a alpha 1 constrictor, thus preventing fluid build up in your nasal sinuses.

Is phenylephrine an antihistamine?

No, Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant, not an antihistamine. While antihistamines reduce the bodies ability to release histamines, decongestants cause the narrowing of the blood vessels in the nasal passages.

What is M END WC?

M-End WC Oral Liquid is a prescription medication that contains brompheniramine (antihistamine), pseudoephedrine (decongestant), and codeine (narcotic cough suppressant).

What is M-END WC?

M-End WC Oral Liquid is a prescription medication that contains brompheniramine (antihistamine), pseudoephedrine (decongestant), and codeine (narcotic cough suppressant).

What is the difference between Sudafed and Sudafed pe?

The difference between Sudafed and Sudafed PE is that Sudafed contains pseudoephedrine and Sudafed PE contains phenylephrine. While phenylephrine doesn't work quite as well as a decongestant, it is the most common decongestant ingredient in cold and sinus formulations, due to the fact that people were using pseudoephedrine to make the illegal drug methamphetamine.

Is it safe to take pseudovent 120-400 with a Sudafed capsule?

Both Pseudovent and Sudafed have the same decongestant, pseudoephedrine. The Pseudovent has the maximum recommended dose of pseudoephedrine (120 mg) per 12 hours, so you shouldn't take them together.

What is sudafedrine used for?

More properly pseudoephedrine, this was originally an isomer of ephedrine and a synthesis of an amphetimine analog. This means that it worked pretty well as a stimulant, apetite supressant, decongestant, and anti-emetic/anti-motion sickness med (especially when paired with scopolamine). It's most common use was as a decongestant. Pseudoepehedrine can be checmically broken down so that the result removes a couple of the more dangerous steps in methamphetamine HCL fabrication, so this medication in its original form is under a variety of (sometimes contradictory) federal and state controls. There is apparently a new formulation for Sudafed(tm) which does not include pseudoephedrine but instead uses the vasoconstrictor, naphazoline.