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Oxygen oxidizes it and keeps it alive. Prolonged use (weeks at a time) leads to depleted respiratory drive when discontinued.

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15y ago

Well considering they have flavored pure oxygen bars in Vegas that haven't been sued for murder yet, probably not.

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Q: Is pure oxygen deadly for humans?
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It is filled with air, as prolonged exposure to pure oxygen is harmful to humans.

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no it is completely different are bodies cant breathe that only pure oxygen(o2). although fish can breathe the dissolved oxygen in water

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Potentially. While helium itself is inert and thus non-toxic, like any gas it can push oxygen out of the way. Breathing pure helium means you are not breathing oxygen. Without oxygen you can die in minutes.

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Oxygen is an element and a pure substance.

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the snake is only deadly to fish, but not to humans. it will take allot of bites to in pulse venom to interact to humans ( like one billion bites to be deadly) and is less than one percent deadly to humans.

Is pure oxygen dangerous?

Yes. Pure oxygen is a fire hazard.

How do you find pure oxygen?

Canisters of pure oxygen can be purchased from chemical supply companies. You can also produce pure oxygen through electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen.

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Pure oxygen can be breathed. Pure oxygen is often given to patients in hospital that have low O2 saturation.

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The two most deadly spiders to humans are black widow spiders and tarantula.

What is dangerous gas?

Any gas in high enough concentration can be deadly to humans, even oxygen. Some of the deadliest naturally occurring are:Carbon dioxideCarbon monoxideOzoneClorineMethaneRadon

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PURE OXYGEN pure oxygen mar 20 2008 it was pure oxygen