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No, quartz is a Silicate mineral.

------edit by someone named koca-----

i'm sorry to edit but it's wrooong, quarts is both a silicate mineral and a polymer, the two are not mutually exclusive

polymers are normally associated with plastics, but any chemical structure formed by the repetition of a simpler smaller structure called monomer (which in the case of quarts is silicate tetrahedrons) is a polymer

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Q: Is quartz a molecule
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How many total atoms are there in 1 molecule of quartz?

Quartz, silica has a formula unit of SiO2. There are three atoms in a formula unit. SiO2 is a giant molecule with silicon atoms linked to four oxygen atoms which each link across to another silicon atom, this is different from CO2 which is molecular gas.

What is the molecule diagram for quartz?

The molecular structure of quartz is composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2) arranged in a continuous network of tetrahedra, with each silicon atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. The structure is characterized by a repeating pattern of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms, forming a three-dimensional framework. The diagram typically shows silicon atoms in the center of tetrahedra, with oxygen atoms at the corners.

What does the chemicals formula for quartz silicon oxygen 2 tell you about its chemicals composition?

The chemical formula of silicon dioxide (quartz) is SiO2; The percentage of oxygen is 53,33 % and the percentage of silicon is 46,56 %.

What is the plural of quartz?

The plural of quartz is quartz or quartzes.

Is quartz sio2?

Yes, quartz is composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2), which is a chemical compound made of silicon and oxygen atoms.

How does smoky quartz form from quartz?

during heat prusure and time it changers from quartz to smoky quartz

How do you say 'quartz' in French?

well if you mean spell cus i can't really tell you how to pronouce it, in french quartz is quartz

Is silica dioxide quartz an organic molecule?

No. It is neither organic nor a molecule. Silicon dioxide consists only of silicon and oxygen. By definition, an organic compound must contain carbon. Second, silicon dioxide forms a covalent network rather than molecules.

Plural form of quartz?

The word quartz does not have a suffix. Quartz is a noun and is a mineral that is white and colorless and made of silicon dioxide.

Why is it called Bull Quartz?

Bull quartz is a term used colloquially to refer to large, rough, uncut quartz crystals that resemble the horns of a bull. It does not have any special geological significance, but is simply a descriptive term used by collectors and miners to describe the appearance of certain quartz specimens.

What are some minerals that have quartz in them?

Quartz is a mineral. No other minerals contain quartz.

Is quartz(rose) a rock or mineral?

Rose quartz is a variety of quartz which is a mineral.