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If its been everywhere then you don't want to eat it. It's dangerous to everyone,but if you eat the Rabbit and its raw there is a 50/50 chance you will have worms and die.

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Q: Is rabbit fur or hair dangerous to swallow and or is it dangerous to humans?
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What happens if you swallow a rabbit hair?

Absolutely nothing will happen to you from swallowing a rabbit hair ,unless you have really bad alergies or your alergic .

Is hamster fur or hair dangerous to swallow to humans or dangerous to humans?

Yes, i wouldn't recommend it because our hair is made out of protein. Which is also found in cells. Hampsters are rodents who fur are suppost to keep them warm. Interested in more health tips, please visit

Its dog hair dangerous to humans if swallow it?

no its just not harmful*. (* conidtions apply) bath in a week grooming n cleaning him/her clean after a walk

Where does hair go after you swallow it?

through the esophagus to the stomach and the rest of the intestional tract.

Is cat hair dangerous to humans if it enters your body?


Is pet rabbit fur dangerous to swallow?

Sometimes yes, if its the rabbit that swallows it. If it is a human then no. Rabbits can not digest all of therefur , nor can they make hairballs , like cats, and throw them up. Rabbits (depending on long or short hair) should be brushed 1-3 times a week if they are long haired. If they are short haired then you shouldn't worry. If they are shedding then brushing them would be highly recommended , but you do not need to. If your rabbit is molting then once again brushing them is highly recommended. Most long haired rabbits do have the tendency to shed , but you should not worry about that. If your rabbit does swallow its fur then that can be a problem if he/she continuously dose that. If to much fur builds up , then the digestive track can be blocked of and then the rabbit mite die. :(

Is it possible to swallow hair?

Yes, people who chew their hair often swallow it and sometimes get hairballs.

How would rabbit ears compare to your own ears?

Rabbit ears are larger than our ears. Rabbit ears can hear 10x better than humans can. Rabbit ears are covered in fur, we have ear hair. Our ears go on the side of our heads and rabbit ears go straight up or lop down if it is a lop rabbit.

When you take a hair of a cat and swallow it will you cough?

yes of course you will you swallow with your hair don't you? Yeah, I'd say you'd probably cough.

What happens when you eat hair?

nothing cause u can not eat hair caused u cannot swallow it! ^An idiot wrote that. You can swallow your hair, and it can cause a blockage in your digestive track. If you eat enough, it can kill you.

Can a human swallow a pubic hair?

Yes - a human can swallow pretty much any kind of hair, but you've probably noticed that when you get a hair in the back of your throat it tickles and irritates and you feel the need to cough to get it out.

How do you spell hair the animal?

"Hare", if you mean the rabbit