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Q: Is reducing waste and recycling things are ways to conserve energy true?
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Ways to conserve energy?

Ways to conserve energy would be turning out lights. Unplugging things not in use. Keeping your appliances in good health so they do not waste energy and recycling.

There is nothing that you can do to conserve energy true or false?

False. You can conserve energy by using less electricity and fossil fuel.

How is recycling used to save energy?

Recycling helps save energy by producing a clean world.Also by saving living things from pollution.

What is the difference between reclamation and recycling?

Reclamation means to take something and then later put it back..... Recycling is reducing trash and reusing things but has a different thing.

How do living things conserve matter and energy?

Photosynthesis and cell respiration

How do you generate energy from recycling?

you don't, you just make old things into new ones

What steps will you take to conserve energy?

There are few things that you can do in your daily routine to conserve energy. Unplug the appliances that are unnecessary e.g. chargers when not charging. Turn off lights when not using. Make efficient use of appliances. Adjust your computers hibernate and sleep.

What is conservation of energy and what are its consequences if we don't conserve and what are the various ways to conserve it?

energy is of different forms.we can get energy through solar ,wind,and many other conventional and non conventional sources of by proper usage i.e reducing the misuse of electricity.we can conserve energy.and also by using natural resources like bio gas.and also the govt should encourage research in cold fusion .so that electricity can be generated at low temperatures and at low cost"we" can conserve by having a brisk walk to shorter distances instead of using bikes,cars...that cause switching off lights at day time you can be a contributer in reduction of co2 emission..there are many such things that can be done with the human intervention ...

What happens when things get hotter?

when things get hotter the kinetic energy of their particles increase thus reducing intermolecular force and increasing intermolecular spaces

How can humans conserve resources?

There are several ways to conserve various resources used in our schools. One way is the obvious one of turning off lights when not in use to conserve energy. Some schools offer several ways to recycle such things as soda cans, plastic bottles, and paper. A maintenance person can check the heating and cooling unit to make sure its working properly, which will ensure that it uses the least amount of energy.

What are the pros and cons of recycling?

PROS Recycling is good for our environment because we are reusing the things that we already used and if everybody recycled we wouldn't need to cut down as much trees. CONS Recycling uses energy and it also pollutes the Earth because of machinery use.

What is recycling programs?

recycling programs is to re-use the things that broke