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No, salts, including table salt, are formed by ionic bonding.

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Q: Is salt formed through covalent bonding?
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What examples are there for ionic and covalent bonding?

ionic - Sodium Chloride Covalent - Water ionic - Sodium Chloride Covalent - Water

What Type of bond is Kosher salt?

Kosher salt is the ionic compound sodium chloride, which is formed by ionic bonding.

Does covalent bonding occur between salt like Na Cl?

No, NaCl is an ionic salt. Since, chlorine is highly electronegative and sodium is highly electropositive therefore, the bonding between them takes place by ionic bond.

Is candle wax ionic polar covalent or nonpolar covalent also what type of bonding does sugar salt and olive oil have?

Candle wax is covalent! Olive oil is non polar covalent. Because it can not disolve in water and water is polar.

What is a real life example of a covalent bond?

Because an example of ionic bonding is making table salt NaCl =D

What compound is formed through ionization?


Why are covalent bonds formed in water?

they are non metals and are in most cases salt they can conduct electricity onces dissolved in water other wise known as salt

Is salt an ionic compound composed of an anion from an acid?

Yes salt is formed from ionic bonding of a cation and an anion.

What is the bonding process of salt?

Ionic bonding. Salt, NaCl, contains Na+ and Cl- ions.

Is table salt ionic covalent or metallic?

it is ionic covalent

Is salt an example of double covalent?

No, salt is ionic.

How do you classify hydrides?

There are three types of hydride: saline, metallic and covalent (there are alternative names for the types of hydride, but these are most common). Saline hydrides have crystalline, salt like structures, and are formed with hydrogen and the group 1 and group 2 metals (the alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals). Metallic hydrides are brittle solids with fairly simple structures, generally formed between hydrogen and the transition metals. They can often have non-integer stoichiometries, e.g. ZrH1.3. Covalent hydrides are formed between hydrogen and the p-block elements, and tend to be gases as room temperature (there are exceptions to this, because of hydrogen bonding).