

Is salvia bad

Updated: 9/6/2023
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12y ago

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yes, in theory...

See Bretts Law and research it. This refers to long term use. Additionally, it can cause you to do something that would get you killed if not supervised. This is why salvia users have someone watch over them as they use it. If left unsupervised a person could do something harmful or fetal. As for death caused only by usage alone, I cannot find any evidence to prove that the smoking of salvia has ever been fetal. No doctor has ever reported an overdose or purely salvia related death. Due to the aforementioned, salvia can in theory, kill you; however the reality is that it will not.
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12y ago

Listen salvia is not cool or safe in any way at all you shouldn't smoke it i used to smoke incence(7h hydro) but some how salvia got into me and the worst thing ever happend to me and its the third day now and im still seeing things hearing things and feeling the worst ever...everytime the subject gets brought up i get a needle like feeling in my head and chills down my body if you can explain why the words in my head started to slur and i could see through walls after it and i couldn't walk or even talk and had uncontroably screaming and as im typing this message i get chills down my spine and legs so please stop the salvia it isn't safe at all ive been in and out of the hospital for three days now and im still seeing cololrs and tripping out like earlie today i was riding down the rode and started seeing colors everywhere i opened my eyes and i was trapped in a tunnle i closed my eyes back and said im ok im ok and i started feeling better then the worst migrane ever hit me and i stared to feel like life didnt matter and started crying for no reason at all im still suffering from this crap whatever it is it isn't safe no man female or human should be able to see through walla and see things that arnt there this stuff is not good at all if you really knew how i actually feel right now you would never think about doing it its insane and nothing to play around with it should be banned if something should be smoked to get high do it the right way and get your marrijuanna card and smoke it leagley im so scared to death still three days after so take what i say into consideration and don't do it its not a good thing in my opinion its stupid have you seen the YouTube vidieos where people kill people and themselfs while doing salvia i mean i love my father to death but during the trip i felt like snapping his neck for no reason at all im serious this stuff isn't good fun or even cool its just complete stupidity and if you ever decide to try it second guess yourself and remember this post you read salvia is dumb why would you want to feel the way it makes you feel its completely retarted and im still having problems and going to the hospital to figure out whats going on.........

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13y ago

Although scientific studies on the drug and its effects are on the premature side, studies as of now do not show any significant damage is sustained by using the drug. It's not or very low toxic, non addicting, and you cannot over dose on it. Medically speaking its no way dangerous. But on a personal level many users describe unpleasant and out of control results, this is where caution should be used.

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13y ago

Yes, Salvia is good for you.

Salvia is a plant that has been used medicinally for centuries. The name Salvia derives from the Latin, salvare, meaning " to cure".

The official Salvia of Medieval Apothecaries is named Salvia officinalis,i.e. the official medicinal Savia species.

It has many uses, most stemming from it's antihidrotic and antiseptic qualities combined with it phytoestrogenic properties.

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12y ago

Salvia is not bad.

It is a short lived hallucinogenic drug, which in it's natural form can do very little in the way of altering the user's consciousness.

In it's extracted forms, it CAN cause intense hallucinogenic experiences, but these are short lived (30 seconds to 15 minutes) and are usually over before the user has any realistic chance to cause serious damage to himself, others, or property. Also, there has only been 1 recorded death ever in the hundreds of years of salvia use that may have hd something to do with salvia, however it was also linked to depression and moderate, regular underage drinking, so there's some question as to if salvia was actually involved at all.

Salvia is legal and has been found by the congress of the United States not to be dangerous enough to ban or regulate twice, so you won't have to worry about illegality coming into play as a danger.

Salvia is an intense hallucinogen, and usage of it without the guidence of someone trustworthy and sober to guide the user away from danger should the unlikely chance arise they are placed in imminent danger while ineberated beyond the point of spacial awareness (something that rarely happens in salvia's unadultered, natural form), then bad consequences may happen, but if this precaution is taken, there is little need for concern, having a "sitter" is considered the difference between responsible and irresponsible salvia use by most people.

All in all, salvia really isn't bad, it's not addictive, it's has not been found to be toxic, and it has short lived effects, as long as it's used responsibly, it's not something I would recommend considering "Bad".

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12y ago

"Because it is toxic to the brain." -the last user

I don't know where the last user received his information from, but salvia is not a toxin to the brain or any other part of your body because it is not toxic at all.

The only way salvia can be "bad for you" is if you use it irresponsibly, and take a high dose without someone there to stop your dissascoiated body from hurting itself, which can be prevented by taking a lower dose or having someone who can restrain you if you do infact move around and get into a sketchy situation.

Other than that, it is not bad for you, so there is no why

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13y ago

Salvia, generally speaking, is safe to smoke and has a very low toxicity, lower than tobacco. It has no hangover effects, but salvia extracts of high concentrations of about 40x upwards have been known to give people what is known as a 'bad trip'. The effects last five minutes and it will be out of your system within 1 and a half hours. Only one salvia related death has ever been recorded in history, compared to thousands that have died from alcohol/tobacco use.

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What shops in Baltimore sell salvia?

Smoke shops usually get bad quality salvia.

Is Salvia bad for pregnant women?

Given the recent discovering of Salvia Divinorum and the lack of knowledge of its long-term effects, is recommended not to use Salvia while pregnant.

What is the effect of salvia on asthma?

You should ask that to your doctor, salvia is used by smoking it, though salvia's smoke is not unhealthy as cigarette's are, any kind of smoke is bad for people with asthma.

What smoke shops sell Salvia in Minnesota?

Smoke shops usually get bad quality salvia, I suggest you to try an online store.

When was Salvia viridis created?

Salvia viridis was created in 1753.

Is salvia used in Chinese medicine?

If by Salvia you mean Salvia Divinorum, then the answer is no. Salvia Divinorum is not used in Chinese medicine, as Salvia does not naturally grow in any region of China. Salvia Divinorum is only to be found in Oaxaca, Mexico.

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No, Salvia nemorosa does not contain salvinorins, the active components of Salvia divinorum.

What is the birth name of Joey Salvia?

Joey Salvia's birth name is Joseph Salvia.

Will salvia get you high?

Depends on what kind of salvia you're talking about. Only Salvia Divinorum species can get you high. Don't get fooled, there are a lot of varieties of Salvia.

Where did salvia originate?

Salvia is from Oaxaca Mexico.

Is salvia tested in Louisiana?

No, you can not test for salvia.

How many petals does salvia have?

Salvia has five petals or tepals.