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Yes, it is. It is a nonsense exclamation used to indicate surprise or dismay. Example: Shoot fire! I forgot to buy milk!

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Q: Is shoot fire southern slang
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What does shoot means in slang?

Shoot is basically swearing in slang, or used to exclaim that something has gone wrong

How do you shoot fire from your hand?

you cannot shoot fire from your hand.

Do you fire or shoot an arrow?

you shoot and arrow because if you notice you fire a gun it involves fire comming from gun powder. there is no fire when you shoot an arrow

How does Mario shoot fire?

he gets a fire flower

What is the meaning of the slang termYiddish Lightning?

A slang term for deliberate fire-setting: Arson.

What was the slang word for southern soldiers?

Johnny reb

Is buddyroe a southern slang term?

No, "buddyroe" does not appear to be a commonly known southern slang term. It is not widely recognized or used in southern dialects or vernacular.

Is 'oh flitter' Southern slang?

There is no widely known usage of "oh flitter" as Southern slang. It might be a made-up expression or slang specific to a small local community.

Is it possible to shoot fire from your hands?


What continent does the boom-slang live in?

The boom-slang is a southern African tree snake. Found from the Congo to Capetown.

How do you shoot fire in animation vs animator?

You can't shoot fire in ordinary Animation vs Animator, but you can in Special Edition by pressing "E".

Where did southern slang come from?

Southern slang in the United States developed from a mix of influences, including African American Vernacular English, regional dialects, and historical factors like slavery and migration patterns. It reflects the unique cultural and linguistic heritage of the Southern states.