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Silk is an insulator, not a conductor. An insulator is something that does not allow electrical current to flow freely.

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No, <Silk is a poor conductor of electricity and thus susceptible to static cling>(wikipedia)and Benjamin Franklin actually hold a piece of silk in hand in the famous experiment of lightning

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Q: Is silk threads good conductors of electricity?
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Does satin conduct electricity?

Silk, yarn and many other threads used in a satin weave do not generally conduct electricity.

What elements make up silk?

Well it's a protein therefore there are 5 chemical elements within silk.These elements being:CarbonNitrogenOxygenHydrogenSulfur

Does silk conduct electricity?

Usually not. But there's a lot of stuff behind that idea. Grab a seat and lend an ear. We'll walk through it. If you take a silk cloth and rub it on, say, a balloon, a form of what is called contact electrification will take place. It's sometimes called triboelectric effect, and you know it as static electricity. The friction causes electrical charges to move, and they will separate in this case because the silk cloth and the balloon are not generally good conductors. In contrast, if you rubbed a metal rod with a silk scarf, you could rub all day and not significantly separate any charges. That's because the metal conducts the charges to permit them to "get back where they came from" so no static charge can build up. Not a difficult idea to understand, is it? Nope. But let's get personal. You walk across a rug on a warm, dry day and reach out for the door knob. Zap! You were just electrocuted by a few thousand volts (but very little current). The friction of your movement across the rug separated charges, and because the air is dry and won't conduct static charges well, and because your shoes and the rug are generally not conductors, you built up a healthy static charge. Then you provided a current path by reaching for the door knob. Electricity is "really fast" and the static charge could actually "feel" the metal of the door knob nearby as you reached for it. And because the voltage was so high, it ionized the air across the small gap between you fingers and the knob and current followed that ionized path. It was a case of a mini-bolt of lightning. Really! Not kidding! All kinds of friction brings with it the possibility of separating charges. And the charges separate all the time. We just don't generally notice it because the charges are constantly trying to neutralize themselves and no significant charge buildup occurs - unless its a warm dry day and we zap ourselves or there is a thunderstorm. Separating charges isn't that tough. Unroll some plastic kitchen wrap. Every time we do that, we participate in an experiment with static electricity. You've done it yourself. Separating charges is not difficult, but conditions have to support "keeping the charges apart" for a charge to accumulate. As the kitchen wrap is a poor conductor, separated charges "stay separated" and we have to battle the stuff to keep it from balling up on itself. That's not too difficult to grasp, either, is it? Nope. So we're back where we started. Your silk cloth is not positively charged. But it can be used to separate charges by rubbing it on that balloon we mentioned. And because the silk cloth and the balloon are not willing to conduct electricity, the charges stay separated and can be built up to some extent. You'll find some links below to relevant Wikipedia posts.

What is the difference between artificial silk and pure silk?

pure silk comes from silk fibers artificial silk comes from fibers that soft and "feel silky".

Why rayon is not considered as true synthetic fibre?

Rayon is usually termed a synthetic fibre despite the fact it is made from exactly the same substance (cellulose) as cotton, which is termed a natural fibre. In fact, a considerable amount of rayon is made directly from cotton by reconstituting it and drawing it into threads. Much of it is also made from the cellulose of spruce trees.

Related questions

Is a SILK a good conductors?

No, (wikipedia)and Benjamin Franklin actually hold a piece of silk in hand in the famous experiment of lightning

Does satin conduct electricity?

Silk, yarn and many other threads used in a satin weave do not generally conduct electricity.

How is silk an insulator?

well when you talk about silk then it cannot conduct electricity yes when you rub it you can see a little light but that does not mean that it can conduct electricity.

What is the silk worm a producer?

they produce silk threads (what is the question?)

If rubber is a good insulator why do balloons attract static electricity?

Insulators can easily have static electricity. In case of conductors we have to follow some delicate procedure to store charges on it. Usually that is known to be electrostatic induction. But in case of insulators just rubbing would do to produce static electricity. Example: when a glass rod is rubbed against a silk cloth, then glass lose electrons to the silk and so glass becomes positively charged and silk negatively charged. So balloons being a bad conductor is good example to have static electricity. If it is good conductor then charges would flow through them easily and so not possible to produce static electricity just by rubbing.

What is reeling the silk?

The process of taking out threads from the cocoon for use as silk is called reeling the silk.

What is unwinding of silk threads from cocoon called?


Can silk conduct electricity?

No silk cannot conduct electricity and Benjamin franklin figured that out.

Is linen a good conductor of electricity?

Linen fibers are quite good conductors of heat, but when they are spun into threads and woven into fabric, they effective thermal conductivity is considerably decreased due to the added air space between the threads. Even under these conditions it has better thermal conductivity than some other clothing materials such as wool and silk. The tightness of the weave is a big factor in how well it conducts heat - the tighter the weave, the better the conductivity. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that linen is popular for clothing in very hot environments.

Is cloth a good conductor of electricity?

No cloth is not a conductor of electricity .It is an insulainsulator

How much does 5000 threads of silk weigh?

approximately 12.32 pounds

What is the source of silk threads?

Silkworms, a type of caterpillar, are the source of silk threads. Silkworms make a cocoon about an inch long in an oval shape. Silkworms only eat the leaves of white mulberry trees.