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There's no Yes or No answer to this question. Singing is just the instrument of the human body. Mastering an instrument takes as much skill as learning to sing. I would say there relatively equal, however instruments require more dedication, and singing and learning relative pitches becomes necessary when you play your instrument long enough.

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Q: Is singing harder than playing an instrument?
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I bet this is a trick question. Yes, you do. The instrument is your voice. You can play others or not. If you are talking about academic programs in various colleges, then requirements will depend on the schools you are interested in. Some music programs may require experience with more than one instrument.

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Harmony can be used in both singing and instruments it when different pitches are put together it is a chord formed by the melody and the instruments/singers playing/singing higher than the melody instrument(s)/singer(s)

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Is it harder the play a sport or play an instrument?

This is not an easy question but I would say that it is easier to play a sport. Playing an instrument takes a certain amount of discipline and intelligence. Playing a sport on a recreational level does take exceptional skills but playing a instrument on a recreational level does require a certain level of expectancy. There is a higher number of people who know how to play a sport than knows how to play an instrument. An average person will have a harder time learning to play a instrument than a sport for the first time. The are few instances where this may not apply because some sports are very difficult to grasp it also depends on the individual. They have also been cases where people with disabilities where able to learn music and play an instrument easy than a sport. A good example of this would be Stevie Wonder a famous blind piano player and singer. Another example would be Ray Charles another blind keyboardist and singer/songwriter. These people with disabilities have exceptional talent in music and are called a musical savant or what is termed a musical genius.

Why is halo combat evolved anniversary harder than than the original?

It is not any harder. Check and see if you had any skulls on while playing. If not then it might be that Combat evolved plays differently than the newer games

How do you play a level harder than expert in the dance club in club penguin?

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Is audition music harder to play than the music played once you're in the band?

of course playing in audition is much harder than in a band. because in audition you do not get any rhythm or something and their is no one to cover your mistakes

Could you be in the marching band and have asthma?

It will be hard but it can be done. If you are a dancer you cant tho. But to play an instruments its fine. All it is is playing and marching. Nothing else. Im in marching band and have asthma. By the way just playing and marching is harder than it sounds, it is also more than nothing else. You have to think about where you are going and at what speed when. If you are not doing a wind instrument its a little easier because you dont use breath to play. It can be done

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