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No. It is a sport. Unless you plan on writing a doctoral thesis on the physics of skating.

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Q: Is skating considered work in science?
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What sports are like ice skating?

yes, there is competition so it is considered a sport. also, you work your muscle's. by the way, even chess is considered a sport because it has competitions

What considered the oldest medical science?

Imhotep's work is probably considered the oldest medical science; if not that then the Egyptians medical work. Though it was based on trail and error it proved efficient.

Are they artist which uses science in their work?

all scientists could be considered artists but actual Artist's that use science in their work? no, i think not.

The science of ice skating?

Go watch Ice Princess.

What does math and science have to do with figure skating?

Math and science have many things to do with figure skating. You could use math to figure out how much time it would take to get from point A to point B. Science is also very important because it adds speed and momentum to figure skating. It also adds gravity. If there were no gravity, figure skating would be impossible because you would not be able to stay on the ground.

Which is a better work-out- roller skating or ice skating?

in ice skating, you can burn more calories in the cold but in roller skating there's so many things you can do

Are mossimo shoes considered skating shoes?


Why is considered a science?

considered is not science. It is a word

Why is Earth Science considered a system?

Earth science is considered a system because it has a lot of processes that work together. For example, atmosphere, plants, animals, oceans, and land are all geological processes that work together. Earth is considered a closed system though, because it is not sending any energy out, it is only receiving.

Can you work at the skating rink at 12?

nopeee x

What do you mean by work station in computer science?

A work station is considered a computer that has enough computing power to run large calculations, often which is required for users working in a work environment most notably in science. Desktops would be considered a work station. There may also be additional requirements, see here ""

What is the date when figure skating originate?

Quoted from Wikipedia:"While people have been ice skating for centuries, figure skating in its current form originated in the mid-19th century.""American skater Jackson Haines, considered the "father of modern figure skating", introduced a new style of skating in the mid-1860s."