

Is sliding got high or low friction?

Updated: 5/27/2024
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11y ago

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Low friction is made when you rub smooth surfaces together, and they slide easily. For example, a melting ice cube would easily slide across a glass table because there is low friction. In contrast, high friction is when there is high resisting force. For example, if you rub velcro across a rug, there would be high friction, and it would be more difficult than sliding the ice across the glass table.

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1w ago

Sliding typically has higher friction than rolling due to more surface contact and resistance between objects. The amount of friction experienced during sliding can be influenced by factors such as surface texture, material properties, and lubrication.

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11y ago

You are going fast, and the cloth of your clothes against the low-friction plastic of the slide = little to no friction.

Not sure if that's what was asked though it's a good example.

Sliding per se can be anything from skating on ice (very low friction on a very small scale) to geological processes involving vast forces, times and friction.

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