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theres no way that tobacco mixed with weed be harmful, i myself tried it, and honestly gave me a better effect, should try it

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Second hand smoke does present some health risk.

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Q: Is smoking marijuana mixed with tobacco at the same time unhealthy?
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Is hash a harder drug than marijuana and what are the side affects?

Hash and marijuana is the same plant. Hash is basically the trichomes of the marijuana buds, while marijuana (or weed/pot) is the bud itself. The side effects are the same as by consuming marijuana. Hash is often mixed and smoked with tobacco, so if you consider tobacco more dangerous than marijuana then technically you could say it's a "harder" drug.

What does smoking mean?

to smoke tack is to smoke cannabis resin i.e marijuana plant substitute

How many jamaicans smoke marijuana?

70% of Jamaicans smoke weed. Not all weed is smoked plain, most is mixed with tobacco.

Will smoking marijuana worsen conjunctivitis?

It's possible. The second-hand smoke can dry out your eyes making the infection worse. Marijuana is also known to be very dangerous when mixed with some medications.

How abused is marijuana?

Marijuana is usually smoked as a cigarette (joint) or in a pipe. It is also smoked in blunts, which are cigars that have been emptied of tobacco and refilled with marijuana. Since the blunt retains the tobacco leaf used to wrap the cigar, this mode of delivery combines marijuana's active ingerdients with nicotine and other harmful chemicals. Marijuana can also be mixed in food or brewed as a tea. As a more concentrated, resinous form it is called hashish, and a sticky black liquid, hash oil. *Marijuana smoke has a pungent and distinctive, usually sweet-and-sour odor.

What does LSD and marijuana do when mixed?

Smoking weed helps the LSD kick in faster, so it seems. It feels really good to smoke while frying but you can't really tell if your really smoking or not even when you know you are

What is legal smoke?

Legal smoke is smoking "incense". They found a way to derive the active ingredients in marijuana and put into a legal form. Then it is mixed as an incense or "Spice".

Does smoking tobacco make you more likely to fail a drug test?

Tobacco is not typically looked for on drug tests. Some emloyers are testing for it now, in states where it is legal to refuse to hire or continue to employe smokers. Sometimes a surgeon will test for it in pre-op testing since smoking can impact healing and outcomes.

Would smoking adderall mixed with marijuana cause serious injury?

I Don't Think The Marijuana Will. On The Other hand, Smoking Adderall Will Cause Serious Injury Due To The Fact That Adderall Has Binders And Fillers With The Amphetamine. Smoking Those Will Basically "Rape Your Lungs" So Just Stick To Orally Taking The Adderall. If You Want A Little Bit Of A Better Buzz From Adderall. Try Taking Tums With Your Adderall.

Is sugar water good for marijuana plants?

Since cultivating marijuana is legal in most states now, by doctors recomendation, I'm going to say that watering your marijuana plants with sugar water mixed with foxfarm's grow big and keeping them in 18-24 hours of light would be a good step towards keeping the grower out of the hospital, since if you grow unhealthy or "bad" marijuana someone will hurt you.

What is weed and tobacco mixed called?


How is marijuana used?

Normally you smoke it, can be out of a pipe or a bong, or smoke a joint (a weed style cigarette *no tobacco or its called a spliff*) or a blunt (which is a phillies blunt cigar with marijuana in place of the tobacco). You can also collect the THC crystals (theres guides on the net about this) and bake the THC into food and it produces a much stronger "high" WRONG. Here is how marijuana is used: You SMOKE IT. Mwahaha. you can roll it light it smoke it you can pack it in your pipe, light it up and smoke you can make cannabis butter and bake it into cookies or brownies you can let it chill in alcohol for a full month and then drink it (careful, this is really potent) you can heat knives on the stove and burn the cannabis with those, and inhale the smoke. Bong, Pipe, Bubbler, Gravity bong, papers, pop cans, and many more ways