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Yes and no.

Medicinal marijuana has been found to have certain benefits.

Marijuana can alleviate vascular pressure associated with glaucoma and lessen the effects of stress. It has a peristalsis effect on the digestive tract, meaning that it encourages movements of food through the digestive system. It is used in some spiritual and ritual practices because of the trance-like effects it can produce. It can relax muscles, increase appetite, and relieve pain. It can be helpful for people with migraines or chronic headaches. It has also been proven to greatly decrease seizure activity in people with various disorders.

The issue is that medicinal, good quality; marijuana is very difficult to come by. Some street marijuana has been laced with other chemicals, like rat poison and other insecticides. These increase the feeling of intoxication. Obviously, if a chemical would kill another form of life, they would not be good for you. You need to suspect any street drug of containing harmful chemicals. Depending on the person, it can overly increase the appetite while lowering activity rates. It can affect decision making.

Smoking, by itself, is a very efficient way to introduce any substance into your bloodstream. Smoking anything, whether it is crack cocaine, marijuana, cigarettes or oak leaves, reduces oxygen intake. You'd have to add the perils of smoking on top of any inherent detriment the original substance contains to accurately determine the level of risk. Long term use of smoking marijuana can cause COPD and lung cancer. It can also cause an intoxicated state that may have a negative effect on things like driving vehicles.

Other factors to consider are the simple fact that marijuana is currently illegal in most states and countries.

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10y ago
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8y ago

In some ways Cannabis can be beneficial. Research has shown that Marijuana (Cannabis) can be beneficial in the treatment of innumerable medical conditions, both physical, and psychological. Cannabis seeds are a very nutrient dense food source, and hemp fibers can be used for a multitude of practical applications.

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15y ago

While marijuana contains no toxic substances that can kill you, it does contain a vast number of chemicals that can alter your brain chemistry. There are no studies showing that prolonged use of this drug causes long term negative side effects, however it can have negative psychological side effects such as extreme lethargy. Counterpoint; if you need, and I emphasize NEED medicinal marijuana, then you have much bigger problems on your mind than the tar and ash you're putting into your lungs. (which IS bad)

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13y ago

Marijuana - The real Deal:

  • No! It offers neuroprotection, meaning it protects nerves and brain cells. There is also some evidence that it may facilitate brain cell development. The US DHS confirms the scientific research that marijuana can be used as a neuroprotectant and antioxidant, it hold the patent to these uses patent no. 6630507

  • It's also effective in the safe treatment of many debilitating diseases. These treatments are becoming widely accepted in the medical community. The only minorly harmful effects occur only when it is smoked and they are still incomparable in severity to cigarette's harmful effects. The only issue is it causes temporary short term memory loss.

  • Only if abused. I has many accepted medical uses and those uses are quite effective in the safe treatment of many debilitating medical conditions.

At the end of adolescence, the brain undergoes major changes, "pruning" certain parts that are no longer needed for development. Marijuana seems to affect the pruning process (for better or worse??). Most shrinks think adolescent pot use is much more dangerous than, say a 30 year old using pot. Sadly, kids are kids... Me? I wanna wait until I'm 50- when I can afford the good stuff!

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12y ago

It all depends. its better to do it when your brain is fully developed, so when your like 18 at least, also if you do it a lot, like every day, then it can easier lead to all the side effects. So if you do it its better to do it every now and then, like once a month maybe once a week. Also it depends on who you are, for example, a lot of people do alcohol and a few just cant handle it, its the same with weed. Some say that weed causes cancer, it really does NOT, but it doesn't increase the risk of it. Also, there has never been a case of overdosing on weed, ive done the calculations and it would take somewhere around 70 kilograms, or 150 pounds, of weed to overdose and die, so that is not going to be done. While all of this sounds great, there is a down side, there are a few side effects like Trouble remembering things, Anxiety, Paranoia, and Altered time perception. Those are the only side effects i could find, also keep in mind that achohol has a lot more risks and you can overdose insanely easily compared to weed. So the truth is, its wether or not you want to take the risks, there are a lot of positive and negative effects,not to mention its illegal in most countries. So its your choice also i recomend researching a lot more before you make a choice, read articles against and for weed, and figure out which has more benefits, just remember, don't do it all the time.

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12y ago

As an experienced pot-smoker, The answer is NO!.

Marijuana is an herb grown in all parts of the world. The bud (or flower) is smoked, eaten, or somehow into your body. When consumed, your body releases a chemical to make your body feel good. THC, is a chemical in the weed, that is a leading cause of this. Marijuana can heal Insomnia (Tiredness), Anorexia (Munchies), has some affects on Autism, and can even help Diabetes. Although it may not make you more booksmart, It may help your creatively. I have been smoking weed on a weekly basis now, and am a very good french horn player.

Even though Marijuana is really fun, there are some bad effects.

Some short time affects are: Losage of braincells, short term memory (Only a little)

Long term affects: Easily short tempered

It is only a gateway drug, if others pressure you too. I have not tooken any drugs, other than marijuana.

The government does not approve of Marijuana because you happen to think more freely. You begin to question the government, and that is exactly what the government DOES NOT WANT!. Remember, smoke weed wisely. If you are going somewhere where marijuana is frowned upon, Being high may not be a good choice. Being high, is not like being drunk. You are fully aware of everything, maybe even more aware. You can walk the same, and do functions the same, it is just your eyes are really red, and you might daze off, staring at something. Remember, Have fun smoking, and do it with some friends.

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15y ago

marijana is diffenitly not bad for you. it actually help you when you are trying to think really hard

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12y ago

Its neither good or bad for you

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Q: Is marijuana that bad
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One might argue that smoking marijuana is bad for your lungs, since smoking anything is bad for your lungs. As for marijuana specifically, there is no scientific evidence that using the drug is bad for one's health.

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Marijuana is not bad for your brain. Marijuana does not harm your brain in any way, shape or form. Short term memory may be affected only WHILE you are high. Marijuana does not kill brain cells or affect long term memory.

How is marijuana bad?

Marijuana is not bad for you whatsoever, it is used medicinally for many different ailments, the benefits of using marijuana over traditional medicine is it is not addictive, has no harm towards your body, and can be ingested or inhaled. IT CANNOT KILL YOU!