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Soda water, like all other solutions, is both a solution and a mixture.

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Q: Is soda water a mixture or solution?
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Is soda water mixture or solution?

Soda water, like all other solutions, is both a solution and a mixture.

Is soda water a mechanical mixture or solution?

Soda water is a solution of carbon dioxide in water (under pressure).

What type of mixture is soda water?

Aqueous solution

Is syrup a mixture or a solution?

it is a solution

What are solitons?

Solitons are self-reinforcing solitary waves that can maintain their shape and speed while traveling long distances without dissipating. They arise in certain nonlinear systems, such as fluid dynamics and some optical fibers, where their unique properties make them stable and robust against dispersion and other disturbances. Solitons have practical applications in telecommunications, oceanography, and other fields where long-lasting waveforms are useful.

What type of mixture is soda?

A solution.

Is Soda a suspension or a solution or colloid?

Soda water is a solution of water and carbon dioxide gas.

Is baking soda a solute?

Yes, baking soda can be considered a solute when it is dissolved in a solvent, such as water. When baking soda dissolves, it breaks down into its ions (sodium and bicarbonate) and becomes dispersed throughout the solvent.

Is a bottle of soda a solution?

Soda water contain the anion carbonate - (CO3)-.

Is soda water a pure substance or mixture?

Soda water is a mixture not a pure substance

Is soda pop in a glass a mechanical mixture solution or suspension?

Its a solution

Is salt water a mixture or a solution or both?

Salt water is both a mixture and a solution. It is a mixture because it is composed of two or more substances (salt and water) that are physically combined. It is a solution because the salt completely dissolves in the water, forming a homogeneous mixture at the molecular level.