

Is solvent the same as solution?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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14y ago

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No. The "solvent" is the liquid that does makes the solid dissolve.

For example, in a solution of salt water, the solvent is "water", and the solute is salt.

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Q: Is solvent the same as solution?
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the solvent

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It is a solvent that dissolves in a solution.

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A solution with the same ratio of solute to solvent (concentration) as another solution is called isotonic. If it has more solvent and thus a lower solute concentration, then it is called hypertonic.

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Hypertonic solution is one which has higher osmotic concentration and less solvent concentration as compared to another solution. Hypotonic solution is one that possesses lower osmotic concentration and higher solvent concentration as compared to another solution. Isotonic solution is a solution that has same concentration, osmotic as well as solvent, as that of another solution .

Which part of the solution does the dissolving?

The solvent and the solvent dissolves the solute in a solution

Which is the solvent in a solution?

The solvent is the substance which dissolve the solute; for a sugar solution water is the solvent and sugar the solute.

The substance that dissolves in the solvent in a solution?

The substance that is dissolved in a solution is a solute. A solvent is the dissolving medium in a solution.

What do you add to solvent to make a solution?

To make a solution you add a solute to a solvent.