

Is space a vector or scalars?

Updated: 5/31/2024
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10y ago

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Measurable quantities are vectors or scalars.

"Space" is not a measurable quantity.

"Volume" is. It's a scalar.

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4h ago

Space is a vector because it has both magnitude (size) and direction. It is commonly represented in three dimensions with x, y, and z coordinates.

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Can Vectors be added together scalar quantities cannot?

Vectors can be added to other vectors in the same vector space. Scalars can be added to other scalars if they have the same units. Scalars cannot be added to vectors, nor vice versa, directly.

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no!!!only scalars and scalars and only vectors and vectors can be added.

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I take the term 'number' in this context to mean the scalars by which vectors may be multiplied. These can be the elements of any field.

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When multiplying a vector by a scalar, each component of the vector is multiplied by the scalar. This operation changes the magnitude of the vector but not its direction. Similarly, dividing a vector by a scalar involves dividing each component of the vector by the scalar.

How are scalar and vector different?

Vectors have direction. Scalars don't.

What two vectors does a vector have?

It has both velocity and direction. A vector has direction and magnitude.

Do vectors have quantity?

Both scalars and vectors have quantity. The difference is a vector has quantity and direction, whereas scalars only have quantity.

Is heat a scalar or vector?

Heat is energy. It and temperature are both scalars.

What is the difference between zero and vector zero?

The zero vector occurs in any dimensional space and acts as the vector additive identity element. It in one dimensional space it can be <0>, and in two dimensional space it would be<0,0>, and in n- dimensional space it would be <0,0,0,0,0,....n of these> The number 0 is a scalar. It is the additive identity for scalars. The zero vector has length zero. Scalars don't really have length. ( they can represent length of course, such as the norm of a vector) We can look at the distance from the origin, but then aren't we thinking of them as vectors? So the zero vector, even <0>, tells us something about direction since it is a vector and the zero scalar does not. Now I think and example will help. Add the vectors <2,2> and <-2,-2> and you have the zero vector. That is because we are adding two vectors of the same magnitude that point in opposite direction. The zero vector and be considered to point in any direction. So in summary we have to state the obvious, the zero vector is a vector and the number zero is a scalar.

Are pressure and atmospheric pressure vectors?

No they are scalars, though the rate of change could be a vector and the wind is definitely a vector (both direction and speed)

What are Scalar and vector values?

scalars are those quantities which have magnitude as well as unit.and vector are those quantities which has magnitude,unit as well as direction.