

Is suicide a good idea

Updated: 11/1/2022
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12y ago

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Suicide is an Extreme idea. No matter what happens, there will be Major changesin your life, and many of them are usually thought of as unpleasant things. Moreover, many of these changes can't be undone (even if you survive). That said, under any set of circumstances and for any reason, it's not something that should be considered except as a very last resort, and many say not even then.

The case for suicide focuses on situations where the life-situation is irretrievable and will inexorably deteriorate. An example -- ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- Lou Gehrig's Disease) is an incurable disease that leads to chronic and permanent neurological deterioration.

Eventually, voluntary movement disappears, and the patient dies from respiratory collapse. It's painful, costly and at this time there is no cure. Quite a few of Dr. Jack Kevorkian's clients had ALS. In their case, the patients, their medical consult and often the families agreed that suicide was worth consideration.

However, in less grave circumstances, the pro's for suicide get more and more vague.

In summary, if there's a chance of recovery and a way to possibly make things tolerable, then suicide is, for me anyway, not a good idea.

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