

Is talc a silicate mineral

Updated: 9/20/2023
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11y ago

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no it is metamorphic

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Q: Is talc a silicate mineral
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Related questions

What is the mineral group for talc?

Talc is classified as a silicate mineral.

Where does talcum powder come from?

Talc is a natural mineral, an Aluminium Silicate, and is quarried for cosmetic and industrial purposes.

Is talc a metal?

Talc is not classified as a metal. It is a very soft hydrous silicate mineral composed of magnesium, silica and water

Name a four letter soft mineral?

Talc is the softest mineral and has a hardness of one on the Mohs Hardness Scale. Talc contains silicate and magnesium along with silica and oxygen.

Is talc a ore?

Talc is considered an ore. Talc is a silicate, and very soft. The technical name for talc is hydrated magnesium silicate.

What is another word for magnesium silicate?

The word would be talc. Talc is made of magnesium silicate.

What mineral group is talc in?

The word 'potash' refers to potassium compounds and materials which are potassium bearing. A mineral is defined as a naturally occurring inorganic crystalline solid with a definite chemical composition; therefore, potash is not a mineral as such, and is not a member of a mineral group.

Does talcum powder expire?

Talc is powdered hydrated magnesium silicate. It's a mineral in the same way that sand is, and it is not explosive.

What is mineral powder made of?

Talc is magnesium silicate hydrate. H2Mg3(SiO3)4 or Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 And is a naturally occurring mineral. Note, a lot of baby powders are heavily perfumed, and are not pure talc. See Wikipedia link.

What is another name for talc?

Talc is the name of a soft mineral that is found in nature. There does not seem to be any other word for it.If you are thinking of the powder made by pulverizing talc, then that is talcum powder, or talcum for short.add. Talc is hydrated aluminum silicate, and is the softest mineral, and is accorded a hardness of 1 on the Mohs hardness scale. The word is from the Persian.

Is jasper a silicate mineral or a non-silicate mineral?

It's silicate.

Is ice a silicate or a non-silicate mineral?

It is a nonsilicate mineral. It is an oxide.