

Is tay sachs curable

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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No; it is a genetic mutation that is passed from parent to child so therefore it is a problem in the genes and cannot be cured.

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TSD or Tay Sachs disease is not curable as of 2014. This is a condition that affects the lungs and breathing in general.

What are facts about tay-sachs?

It was named after doctors Warren Tay and Bernard Sachs.

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Tay-Sachs disease is a human genetic disorder.

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what effect does Tay-sachs disease have on the body?

Can a person with the Tay-Sachs disease live a healthy life?

A person with tay sachs can live a healthy life but still battles the many limitations of Tay sachs disease. Depending on the type of tay sachs, Classic, Juvenile onset, and Late Onset depends how healthy a life a person with tay sachs disease.

Is there any way to prevent tay sachs?

There are a couple ways Tay-Sachs can be prevented; 1) determine if both you and your mate carry the Tay-Sachs gene 2) perform a prenatal diagnosis to determine if the fetus carries the Tay-Sachs gene Hope this helped!

Is tay-sachs a sex-linked disease?

There is no evidence that shows that tay-sachs is a sex-linked trait.

Is tay sachs disease sex-linked?

There is no evidence that shows that tay-sachs is a sex-linked trait.

How Long Is Its Incubation Period For Tay Sachs?

Sorry, Tay-Sachs is not a germ-caused infectious disease, so there is no incubation period, at all. Tay-Sachs is inherited from a person's mother and father.

What system or part of the body does tay sachs disease affect?

what effect does Tay-sachs disease have on the body?

Does Tay-Sachs disease have single cells or multiple alleles?

Multiple mutations are responsible for Tay Sachs Disease. For example, Tay Sachs in the french Canadian population may be due to a different mutation then people of eastern European Jewish descent with Tay Sachs. any mutation that causes the absence of the enzyme Hexosamindase (Hex-A) is a mutation that can cause a Tay Sachs genotype/phenotype within an individual

Who discovered the tay sachs disease?

''Tay-Sachs'' was named after Warren Tay, an ophthalmologist who discovered the occurring red spot in the retina in 1881, and Bernard Sachs, who described the cellular changes related to this disease in 1887.