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Probably not, she still doesn't have any back story and Kishimoto hasn't mentioned any intention of giving her one. She's a minor character who's only really used to fill the female role in Team Gai.

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Q: Is tenten from the show Naruto goinng to be used more?
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Who is the least favorite character on the show naruto?

In my opinion, TenTen.

Tenten is a character produced by whom?

Tenten is a character from the show Naruto produced by Viz Media and created by Masashi Kishimoto. Tenten is a character who looks out for and comforts people who need help.

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Naruto is a tv show!!Naruto is the title of the show.While there is a charecter named Naruto.

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What is the last name of Tenten?

Tenten does have a last name. It's no she has one...hygua....(lol jk jk i wish!)but she doesnt have one. that's what makes her unique!idk were that person got hisagia

What Naruto femmale character are you?

Ino Definitely Naruto! but I'm a girl so I say the deleted Character Saruto (Naruto's twin sister deleted so she's not in any of the show's movie's manga's ext.) I'm more like Naruto because I can relate to him. I can be really silly sometimes but I have a good heart and I care alot about people, friends, and family. lol! I (The asker) Am a fan of Saruto as well! I love her!

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Naruto duhh why do you think the show is named naruto? stupid. Actually,I did a scan on searches and turns out sasuke is searched more than naruto.

Is Selena Gomez goinng out with David Henrie?

No it is not true but they do star in a show together called Wizards of Waverly Place.

Who will Rock Lee marry Tenten Sakura or Hinata from Naruto Shippuden?

Rock Leeshould not reproduce.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gaaraWITH ALL DUE RESPECT- WHO THE HECK WOULD WANT TO MARRY HIM?! IF YOU THINK SAKURA OR TENTEN THEN I HAVE ONLY ONE THING TO SAY TO YOU- ARE YOU BLIND OR DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO HE IS?! WHO'D WANT TO MARRY SOMEONE WITH THAT KIND OF HAIR, EYE BROWS, AND LOVE FOR GAI? NOT ME, THAT'S FOR SURE. BY. AnswerwolfmanHe might not marry anyone because he's just a character support. Sakura might go well with Sasuke and Tenten will go with Neji. Naruto will go with Hinata. Rock Lee might go with Tenten ,but the chances are low. -ServyliaFirst of all nobody is getting married anything....we haven't gottoen that far!!!And plus answer number 3 you are wicked sick dude!!!!Do you know what I think. Rock Lee will probably marry Tenten, Neji, probably nobody, Sakura will go with naruto, Sasuke, WILL DIE and Hinata will marry some random dude. You see, Sasuke is such a criminal that they'll probably kill him, leaving Sakura with Naruto. then, Naruto will take sakura, leaving Hinata with someone else. Neji, is a cadet branch of the Hyuga clan so he probably doesn't need to marry Tenten. And Tenten hangs out with Lee more so she knows him better. Don't just assume things because they sound niceI personally think rock lee with hinata tenten more with neji than rock lee if you look at their chemistry why i said hinata is cause naruto will unfortunately get sakura and due to them liking the same girl it make sense i mean hinata liked naruto couldnt get him rock lee liked sakura couldnt get her so theyre destined to be together besides my rambling i also have a valid point remember hinata said she liked his hard work cause it reminded of her struggle and who besides naruto has worked hard to come up from a nobody rock lee

Who is Tenten from the show Naruto?

AnswerA character from Naruto, she is teamed with Neji Hyuga and Rock Lee.A Major CharacterTenten is a major character, who is part, as well as rock lee and neji hyuuga, of Might Guy's team.Tenten is always looking out for Lee, as he is for her, and Tenten gets upset when Lee talks to Sakura in the forest of death, so it may be believed that she likes him. But in naruto shippuden the creator of the anime/manga is dropping hints on tenten and neji but you never know....Tenten has the ability to wield weapons of all kinds with ease and with deadly accuracy, as she is said to be able to hit 100 targets out of 100 tries. Other than when she fought and lost to temari (sister of gaara and kankuro of the sand village) when she unveiled her best move, twin dragons, I believe, tenten makes very few appearances in fights, other than a 10 second fight later on, possibly in part 2, for about 10 seconds. Therefore, she is a minor character, as she is nothing but a shadow, or at least until she has a chance to be trained by tsunade, which I believe happens after sakura haruno and ino yamanaka get their turns, as they are more major characters.neji

Will Naruto get married on the show Naruto or Naruto Shippuden?

i don't know because I've never watched naruto shippuden but i think these are the matchups in shippuden.shikamaru+temarinaruto+hinataino+0sakura+0 or sasuke if luckylee+0 or tenten if luckyneji+0 or tenten if luckychoji+0 or some other woman who's not in naruto yetsasuke+0 or even ino or an other woman who's not in naruto yetkiba+0shino+0anko+kakashigai+0 or an other womankurenai+asumasakura might be naruto's husband if i got it wrong. sorry if you'renot satisfied.Answeri don't know because I've never watched naruto shippuden but i think these are the matchups in shippuden. shikamaru+temarinaruto+hinataino+0sakura+0 or sasuke if luckylee+0 or tenten if luckyneji+0 or tenten if luckychoji+0 or some other woman who's not in naruto yetsasuke+0 or even ino or an other woman who's not in naruto yetkiba+0shino+0anko+kakashigai+0 or an other womankurenai+asumasakura might be naruto's husband if i got it wrong. sorry if you'renot satisfied.IT NEVER SAID YET SO KEEP ON WATCHING OR SOMETHING. BY. Answerwolfman

When does Neji and Tenten become a couple?

They is no evidence that these two become a couple in the show.