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Q: Is the Indian ocean tsunami convergent or divergent or transform?
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What type of movement occurs at each plate boundary?

Two plates can either converge, diverge, or transform. A convergent boundary is when two plates come together, a divergent boundary is when they move apart, and a transform boundary is when two plates slide against each other in opposite directions.

What are Two famous divergent boundaries?

the most famous divergent fault is the san Andreas faultEDIT: Actually, the San Andreas Fault is a Transform boundary. A Transform Boundary is when two plates are rubbing against each other while going opposite ways. A Divergent Boundary is when two plates move away from each other. Scientists have not pinpointed and named a Divergent Boundary but Divergent Boundaries usually occur under water in the sea, also called Sea Floor Spreading.

What happens two plates carrying continental crust collide?

These are convergent plates- and if the pressure continues it causes mountain building. The Indian and Eurasian plates collided millions of yrs ago and are STILL pressing against each other. They created the Himalayas which are still growing! There are three tyoes of boundaries around plates: convergent (pressing against each other); divergent- moving away;. and transform- sliding past each other.

Why is it called Indian Ocean Tsunami Not Indonesian Tsunami?

Because the tsunami spreed all across the Indian Ocean ,not only in Indonesia.

What was the most recent destructive tsunami?

One tsunami would be the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

Where does tsunami came Indiain 2004?

The Tsunami came in the Indian Ocean.

What is the deadliest tsunami?

The deadliest tsunami was the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami, killing almost 230,000 people.

What happened during the Indian Ocean earthquake?

A tsunami happened during the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 24 2004

When did the Indian tsunami happen?


What is the deadliest tsunami ever?

The deadliest tsunami was the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, killing almost 230,000 people.

What type of boundary is the Indian African plate boundary?


What kind of convergent boundary is India in?

To the North of the Indian subcontinent are the Himalayas. These mark the Convergent plate boundary between it and the Eurasian Plate.