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Properties are descriptive, not transformative (e.g. acid, liquid, crystalline, buoyant). Changes are transformations not descriptions (e.g. oxidation reaction, hydrolysis, polymerize).

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6mo ago

The ability to change into something else is a chemical property. Chemical properties describe the behavior of a substance when it undergoes a chemical change, such as the ability to react with other substances or undergo a chemical reaction. In this case, the ability to change into something else involves a chemical transformation and is therefore a chemical property.

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Q: Is the ability to change into something else a chemical change or a chemical property?
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Is malleabillity a chemical property?

No. Because malleability is the ability to change the shape of something, it is a physical property.

What is the difference in a property and in a change?

the difference in a chemical property and a chemical change is that the chemical property is an elements ability to change or do something, a chemical change is when an object does change and you cant get it back. the difference between chemical property and chemical change is that chemical property is any of a materials properties that becomes evident during a chemical reaction while chemical change is when an object change and its bonds are broken and new bonds are formed between different atoms.

Is the ability to tarnish physical or chemical change?

Neither. Tarnishing is a chemical change. The ability to tarnish is a chemical property.

What is called the ability of a substance to undergo a chemical change?

chemical property.

What is an ability of a material to change its chemical makeup?

Chemical property

What property describes the ability of a substance to change into other substances?

chemical property.

Is an ability to burn physical or chemical?

It is a chemical property, as it involves a chemical change.

What describes a chemical property of a substance?

The ability of a substance to undergo a chemical change is called the Chemical activity of a substance.

Is burning wood a physical or chemical property?

Neither. It is a chemical change. The ability of wood to burn is a chemical property.

Is it a chemical property if it is flammable?

Yes. Flammability is the ability to react with oxygen. Combustion is a chemical change, so that property is a chemical property.

The property of matter that describes its ability to change into new matter with different properties is known as?

Energy is the ability to cause a change in matter.