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Yes the asthenosphere is soft and can bend like plastic.

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The asthenosphere is hard because of all the pressure around it.

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Q: Is the asthenosphere soft or hard?
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What does asthen mean in asthenosphere?

Asthen in Asthenosphere means weak (soft).

Soft layer of rock in the mantle?

The soft layer of rock in the mantle is called the asthenosphere. It is partially molten and enables the movement of tectonic plates. This layer lies beneath the lithosphere and contributes to the process of plate tectonics.

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The soft layer of the mantle on which the tectonic plates move is called the asthenosphere. It is a semi-fluid layer beneath the lithosphere that allows for the movement of the tectonic plates due to convection currents in the mantle.

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What is the partially molten layer of the mantle called?

The partially molten layer of the mantle is called the asthenosphere. This zone is partially molten and allows tectonic plates to move on top of it.

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What part of the mantle is made of soft rock that bends like plastic.?

A portion of the upper mantle known as the asthenosphere.

Because of the high temperatures and extreme pressure rocks in the asthenosphere are?

Magma or semi-molten. This allows them to flow and deform, creating convection currents that drive tectonic plate movement. The asthenosphere plays a key role in the process of plate tectonics.

What is the relatively soft layer pf the upper mantle called?

Its asthenosphere!

What is made of soft rock and bends like plastic in the mantle?

Rocks in the mantle are subjected to high temperatures and pressures, which cause them to deform plastically over long periods of time. This plastic deformation allows rocks in the mantle to flow slowly, similar to the behavior of very viscous fluids. This process is known as mantle convection and plays a crucial role in the movement of tectonic plates on the Earth's surface.