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Forces of attraction have a stronger effect on the behavior of liquid particles.

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12y ago

gas because the particles are spread farther apart

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11y ago

No attractions in particles are not in liquid it's stronger in solids

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12y ago

The attraction between gas molecules is weakest than the attraction beween liquid molecules.

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Q: Is the attraction in particles stronger in liquids then solids?
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The motion of particles in gasses, liquids, and solids are all different. Gas particles can move much more quickly than solids.

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In the liquid state, particles move freely,the particles are not closely packed they can slip and slide on each other and have greater space between them as, compared to solids.ORThe intermolecular space is more in liquids than in solids and so, it can difusse faster.That is why rate of difussion in liquids is higher than that of solids.

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Solids become liquids when the temperature reaches melting point, groups of particles start to brake away from each other. This is when the solid starts becoming a liquid. Liquids become solids on cooling, the particles move slower and become a solid.

Why does diffusion happen in gases and liquids but not in solids?

the force of attraction between the particles gases is weak force of attraction between the particles in liquid is a bit strong force of attraction between the particles in solid is strongest this is the right answers,,,,,dont worry :)

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santa's my hero

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The intermolecular force of attraction between the particles of solid is greater than liquid and due to this minimum space is found between the particles of solid. That's why liquids diffuse much faster than solids.

Why so solid stays the same size?

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