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No,its called refraction. this actually happens when the light passes from one medium to another and thus the velocity of light changes, which enable the light to bend.

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Q: Is the bending of light rays a reflection?
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The of light rays is caused by glass bending light rays?

no, the light rays are caused due to reflection,transmission and absorption of light. Index of refraction.

What are refractive and reflective?

refraction is the bending of light rays when they pass through an object reflection is the light energy that bounces off objects

What is refletion and rerfrction in light?

reflection of light is when light bounces off an object, particularly a mirror (or something like that). refraction is the bending of light rays, when light rays flow through a substance (particularly curved). Ex: a straw looks at an angle when put into water, when it's really just the light rays bending.

To throw back light rays that strike a surface?

This is the definition of the reflection of a light ray. The other term related to light rays is refraction, which is the bending of a light ray as it passes from one substance into another.

Is reflection the bending of light rays?

No,its called refraction. this actually happens when the light passes from one medium to another and thus the velocity of light changes, which enable the light to bend.

Is light bending going through a prism an example of a reflection?

Light bending as it passes through a prism is an example of refraction, not reflection.

What is diffusing reflection?

When the rays of light do not follow the laws of reflection, then this type of reflection is called diffused reflection.

What is reflection and refraction light?

Reflection of light is the bending of light from its point. while refraction is the diverging of light from its bearing.

What is the bending of light rays?


Bending light rays so that they focus on the retina is called?

The bending of light rays so they focus on the retina is called refraction.

Can you see reflection without light why?

no reflection basically deals with light rays. so there is no reflection withou light.

The bending of light from one material to another is?

reflection or refraction