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Yes, of course.

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Q: Is the earth's gravity greater during a full moon?
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How does the tilt of earths axis effect how the suns rays strike earth?

I'm not sure but I think it has something to do with gravity

Why are the waves bigger on full moon nights?

During New Moon and Full Moon, the moon's gravity pulls on the oceans more than during the other phases. Therefore at night time the tides are highest under the full moon.

Why does the earths temp increase during a full moon?

There is no data to indicate that the temperature on the earth as a whole or at any given place on it is in any way correlated with the phases of the moon.

Why are tides higher when the moon if full?


When the moon is On the side of earths opposite the sun?

full moon

How does the moon cause tides on earth the most widely accepted model of the solar system is what?

Yes, the moons gravity pulls slightly on the earths hydrosphere. After a full moon you may notice that the oceans waves are distorted moving in several directions.

Is .5 greater than .55?

No, .55 is greater

What are meteroids that full on the earths surface called?

Not sure about "full on earth" but meteoroids which fall to earth are called meteorites.

What is earths moon appearance?

Sometimes half sometimes full.. It depends on where the sun is.

What is a full spin on the earths axis called?

one rotation is one day.

What is the full name of the element that hepls create the earths magnetic field?


What causes daily high and low tides?

The moon and earths gravitational pull (gravity)